Amy the Veiled


New Member
so i got my first chameleon yesterday. she looks like she's doing great! (i think she's a she at least...) here are a few pics i took.



Congrats on your cute little cham. If she does not have little spurs or points on her back heels on back feet then she is a girl. I was she closing her eyes like that alot during the day hours? If so, that is not a good sign.
Congrats on your cute little cham. If she does not have little spurs or points on her back heels on back feet then she is a girl. I was she closing her eyes like that alot during the day hours? If so, that is not a good sign.

I was wondering the same thing about her eyes being closed.

Congrats on little Amy.
Congrats on your cute little cham. If she does not have little spurs or points on her back heels on back feet then she is a girl. I was she closing her eyes like that alot during the day hours? If so, that is not a good sign.

not that i've seen. that was right after i took her out to put her in the cage the first time. she's actually very active. runs around her little cage (got a new cage coming on monday that's larger and not plastic...). the first day she didn't eat at all and i don't know what they look like when they drink to be honest yet.. but the humidity and temp looks good from the research i've done. she did eat a few crickets today too. per Jannb's blog, i'm giving her 5-7 small crickets and she gobbles them up quick! i think she was just hungry.

i bought a habiscus plant for the new cage when it arrives.. not sure if it's a good thing, but i took Amy out and set her on the habiscus while i was watching and she looked like she loved it! just ran around, exploring the whole thing. she didn't try to camouflage or anything so that's why i think she liked it.. hehe. i'm looking forward to watching her grow up :)

thanks David! i'm always happy for new information. i'll take a look at that blog right now :)
If it was in the evening, perhaps she was tired from shedding all day and liked your hand warmth so just passed out :D
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