
The show sounds like a lot of fun. :D

Make sure to lookout for the signs being displayed by Chris the Hoff Anderson.
it was an adventure that day
I had a great time with hairfarm67 and dave making our way around the show
Thanks hairfarm for riding shotgun with a fire extinguisher - made the trip enjoyable =:0

Interesting meeting everyone else that was up there
it's great to match all faces to all the names in the list of who's who.
Lots of great animals and lots of fun.
(including the big black scorpion that got lose in the main show area
or how many times you can include the works "fucker" & "asshole" into a auction's bidding)
That was a very good show! It was great to see some old friends who I haven't seen in years, as well as finally meet some other new friends in person. And yeah, that auction was.....different. But everyone said we needed to stay to witness it, and they were right! Wow.

Ron, thanks for driving. I hope your truck turned out ok?

To the BlueBeast crew, thanks very much for the hospitality. Hopefully that won't be the last time we can share a few beers.
Yeah, kent the SUV is fine.. It's strangest thing though
On sunday when I was taking it into the shop and all the lights cleared up
we did some diagnostics and "everything is fine" as far as we can tell.
guess I'll have to drive it around a bit more till it really breaks down
to find out what's wrong with it.

Yes, definitely thanks for the invite from the blue beast table of Cham lovers.
Although, next time we gotta sneak a 6 pack in and save us from those overpriced bottles.
6 pack nothin'

Yes, definitely thanks for the invite from the blue beast table of Cham lovers.
Although, next time we gotta sneak a 6 pack in and save us from those overpriced bottles.

We'd need more than a 6 pack, judging from Saturday late night, Mike can handle a 6 pack in about 20 minutes.... Still waiting for Josh to post the pics of Mike streaking down the hall of the Marriott.

it spilled into the rodeo next know how hard it was to talk our way out of this one?
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