
We realeased them into a sectioned off portion of the tank their jar was in, we lost a bunch because they went between the glass and the spong filter. we still have about 50, they are eating brine shrimp. hopefully nothing else bad happens
I would say I have about 40-50 left too. They're doing well, hungry little fellas. They're still so fragile though. I don't think I want to raise another set of fry if the parents lay again. Hopefully I'll get some of these to survive. I'm feeding them freshly hatched baby brine shrimp as well as frozen baby brine, and Hikari first bites. I'm trying to get them a well balanced diet early so they don't get too finicky and only want baby brine. Do you see the colors of yours yet? I can tell that some are going to be lighter and some darker and some have a little orange on them. The parent's are marbled koi's so the baby combo of colors should be interesting. Share a pic of your fry if you can.
The first pic is of the platys. Then second are the angels. There are more of both batches these are the only ones that werent camera shy


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The first pic is of the platys. Then second are the angels. There are more of both batches these are the only ones that werent camera shy

They look great, they pretty much look just like mine although I have some white/gold ones. Are you counting their age from the day the egg was laid or from when they became free swimming??
Ok same here, so today mine are 18 days old :). They're little pigs....those little guys love eating. Especially brine shrimp.
Update on the babies, they're getting BIG and so CUTE! Finally looking like little fish, but nothing like an angelfish yet. The parents look like they're getting ready to spawn again in the main tank. They've been cleaning off the filter tube. I won't be saving anymore spawns. It's a lot of work! Plus I have these little fellas to take care of. :D
Here are some pics. It's very difficult to take pics of these wigglers. Also a pic of my Kirby getting ready for bed :)


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They are so cute. I had no idea they didn't look like angel fish from the start!

And obviously Kirby is gorgeous too!
Here are the best pics I can get! They are a month and 2 days old :) I can't wait til the get big enough so I can put them in the main tank. :D


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You're welcome :). Hopefully I can get some better pictures soon. They are tiny still but they're so much bigger than what they were even a week ago.
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