Animated Chameleon Cursors for Windows

Hey ... did anybody check these out?? I thought for sure somebody would have thought they were WAY KOOL !! LOL

Dyesub Dave. :D
Are you running a version of Windows? You'll need to UNZIP the 3 files first and put them in a directory. Then you should be able to go where I mentioned before, select the busy or waiting icon and click browse at the bottom. Then just browse to the directory where the new files are!!

Dyesub Dave. :D
very cool indeed, although it might be because i'm using vista but it seems to control weird, not like the standard pointer, what is the 'tip' of the pointer on the cham? i'm guessing it's the tail but it has a different 'feel' i'm not used to lol
Yeah .. it is the tail. And it does take a while to get used to but they're the coolest pointers I've seen so far!! ;)

Dyesub Dave. :D
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