Ankaramy Panther???


Avid Member
Hey wassup, I've noticed that the Ankaramy "pink panther" chameleon really kind of dropped off...whats going on with that...and is there anyone on here breeding these most definitely interested in getting my hands on another one of these favorite panther locale =)
chameleons finest a sponsor here is working on some eggs nows i beleive

and i think a few others too but not sure
They are more difficult to breed than others. People are working on them, and I'm sure someone will import some soon enough.
Thanks guys...yea I remember like a couple years ago they where all over now it's like *cricket cricket* lol
Thanks guys...yea I remember like a couple years ago they where all over now it's like *cricket cricket* lol

im fairly positive, someone on here has ankarmy eggs incubating rihgt now. let me see if i can find it.
cuzi want an ankarmy too.
Unfortunately not until september are they supposed to hatch, plenty of time to get an extra cage set up though:D could be sooner than we see any come in anyway. I really had my heart set on a pair of nosy borahas but it doesnt look like theyre going to come in.
Anks can be pretty drab at rest but they are still one of my favorite locals to work with.
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Hey quick question! Why do you guys enjoy working with the ankaramy bloodline? How, besides the color, is it different?


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