ANNIE layed eggs!!!


Retired Moderator
Well finally my worries are in part over. Annie layed 35 unfertile eggs. When I got home today Annie was burried and the tunnel had fallen in on her. I quickly dug her out even with her trying to lay as she was black, totally black. I dug her a shallow hole and she promptly kicked out the eggs.

Now all i have to do is be very careful the next few days that she has no issues after the laying. I can't say how relived I am.:):eek::eek:
Glad shes ok Laurie. I assume digging really weakens them, lucky you found her.
keep us posted. best wishes :)

is that the little not sure who was talking about a smidge...or runt cham..basically im trying to find out more about her...glad shes ok though

Annie is a rescue that has been having lots of problems in the past.
yet she is now drinking and she ate some supers just before she stoped before laying her eggs.

Midge is the runt that Laurie has for a while and is doing well. she is even growing.



I was happy to hear from you today about Annie finaly dropping all her eggs.
I know you have been waiting, and waiting.
yet it would be also crazy for anyone to come home and not be able to find her in her cage...because she is burried under a pile of soil. ;)

glad to hear she is doing ok now that you used that $50 paint brush to clean her off. :p

I am very happy Laurie. I have been silently reading through all of your posts and just dont know what to say. I am so glad she is doing good and she is in the best hands EVER.:p

Laurie, I am so glad that Annie was able to get those eggs out. Hope she has a speedy recovery and starts showing major improvement. Keep us updated!
That is just brilliant news, Laurie! I am so glad that she has improved to feel well enough to lay, bless her! As much of a worry they are with their eggies, you've gotta love the females, they truly are amazing creatures!:D Well done both of you! :D Hopefully she will continue to improve now she can concentrate on recovering rather than on a clutch of eggs.
i'm so glad she had the strength to lay. i worried for 4 months about any eggs, or if she would have the strength TO lay eggs. it feels so great to know she laid them and has such great care and attention now.

thank you, again, laurie!


pictures? :)
Way to go, Annie!

Laurie, I'm very glad to hear that she has finally laid those eggs.Thanks for sharing the good news!
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