Another decision made.


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As you might know, it's been hard for me to decide whether or not I should sell my chams.

Well, I am not backing down on my original promise to foster Brave, therefore I must give him/sell him to someone responsible who I know is going to love him as I do.

I am, however, keeping Monty. He needs me because of his MBD and I do not want to burden anyone else with this. So I can wait for my panther, someday. But Monty is my boy and I love him. I am sorry I called him mean and grumpy. He is probably that way due to his broken painful bones I am trying to nurse back to health.

So I will see what I can do. Thanks for reading. You guys influenced me in my last thread--I said some things about my father being rather irresponsible and I don't think it was ENTIRELY true. I think a calendar would help us plan our supplements for my baby Monty a bit better.

So thanks for reading
I'm glad to see you've given in to your heart's calling. I'm sure Monty has quite the attachment to you as you do to him.

You say he needs you... But deep down you need him too. You strengthen each other. You give him strength by caring for him and providing for his needs, and in return he continues to fight for better health to give you hope. :)

I have 3 veilds of my own, and I love them dearly, even though I too want a panther. ;) There will come a day for that, but right now they need our love and devotion to nourish them to give them the best lives possible.

You are a great father to your Monty. Thank you for sharing your story.
I think a calendar would help us plan our supplements for my baby Monty a bit better.

I use a calendar and even colour code the days to match the colour on the supplement containers. It makes it easier if other people are feeding them.

Good to hear you are keeping Monty.
Very sorry to hear that you have to treat MBD. It's like taking care of a baby with all the time and nursing but is well worth it to see them come back to health. I have had to do it before. Also sorry to hear that you have to lose Brave! I understand your situation tho. Now you have it down.

Still not sure if I would give up one of me mates tho!!! GRRRRRR :eek:
SJ, are you old enough to get your own place, like appartment?

Until then, you will be at the mercy of your parents :eek:

I have a cham that requires special care also, so I understand.
I would not want anyone else taking care of him, and he has gotten used to
me giving him his meds and "bug juice".

Have you found a good home for your little jacksons?
He is so cute, I would have a hard time parting with him, as I am sure you are. :(
SJ, are you old enough to get your own place, like appartment?

Until then, you will be at the mercy of your parents :eek:

I have a cham that requires special care also, so I understand.
I would not want anyone else taking care of him, and he has gotten used to
me giving him his meds and "bug juice".

Have you found a good home for your little jacksons?
He is so cute, I would have a hard time parting with him, as I am sure you are. :(

Sadly, no, which is why I am being held to my promise to foster Brave (which ultimately means me selling him). I'd love to keep him but I know my parents don't like to take care of 2 chameleons while I am gone.

My father knows Monty was my first pet and he even built a great nice cage stand and everything. He doesn't want me to get rid of Monty (even though he's never outright gone and said it) but I can tell he doesn't want me to. I also want to keep him because 1) I don't want a beginner to have to deal with that 2) he was my burden to start with 3) I love the guy, no matter how grumpy he can be.

I want to sell to FLchammom but my dad isn't so keen on shipping Brave across the entire U.S. to give him away. :(

On the age thing, I am 15 actually. I don't usually tell people, but it shouldn't matter. In this case, I guess it does.

You could say I don't HAVE to get rid of Brave, too. But I feel bad for my parents since I told them I would foster him, and they originally didn't want him either. But I will miss the little guy. He is so cute.
Your dad does have a point... The best alternative is finding him a good home without the risk of shipping. I am glad you are keeping Monty- he does need special care and the grumpy ones can be special too. :) I got into chameleons by "inheriting" one from my son when he went off to college. I ended up loving them but at first I was surprised at the amount of care they required. Had it been up to my husband he would have definitely ended up on Craigslist. :eek: Your dad seems like an animal lover from what you have posted- take your time finding Brave a great home. You definitely show a great deal of maturity for 15 and I am sure you will make the right decision.
Also for the calendar, of you have any apple device, put it in he calendar there and it will go to your other devices through iCloud and you can turn on reminders.
Thanks for the replies.

I know he was generous getting me Monty in the first place, Brave was Another stroke of luck.

I have someone I'm contacting right now! They have experience with panthers and jopefully can take Brave
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