another mister option

I think some members on the forum use promist. IMO mistking is the best out there. Why pay that much money and not go with the most popular brand?
I think some members on the forum use promist. IMO mistking is the best out there. Why pay that much money and not go with the most popular brand?

I only have one cham, I hand mist. BUT, just because it's the most popular doesn't make it better. It may only mean it's more available. Whatever works for you. Just my two cents. Peace.
...misters them selves are brass which i thought were nice...
Howdy Hailo,

Bob at Pro-Products sells good products and so does Marty at MistKing. I prefer the plastic nozzles. Bob likes the brass ones since a number of his clients are looking for very fine mist whereas many chameleon keepers are looking for "fat" mist droplets. Larger droplets can be made using the "cream" colored nozzles (
just because it's the most popular doesn't make it better. It may only mean it's more available.

Actually there are reasons why popularity makes products better. First off as you said yourself, it means the product is more available. Therefore, it is easier to obtain and easier to maintain (since it more then likely comes with more customer service). A popular product typically has cheaper prices as well when compared with competing products. Popularity also speaks for itself; if the product wasn't one of the very best options in the market, then why would so many people purchase it? Of course it all comes down to personal preference and what works best. Therefore, I am merely trying to suggest what is the best product IMO (which I do realize may not be valuable to some), all of which I base off my own experience.
What I like about Bob's promist systems is that the pump will not burn out if it runs out of water and keeps pumping. They are good and solid. I have a combination of the nozzels. Big drops for the veiled and mist for the jacksons.
I use a promist pump. Ive had it for a couple of years. When I bought the pump I dont recall the other mister companies around. I could be wrong. Anyways the pump is great to this day. Not saying its a better pump, just that it has been working well for my needs. I have both nozzles and they both get the job equally done.
pro mist is awesome! his package is perfect, the timer it comes with is great. tons of extra hose. I highly recommend pro products.
I just stick to handmisting, via Walmart gardening section, lol.
Im too poor for those nice systems XD
If you are there daily to hand mist great. If you need something to mist while you are gone, an auto system works. I have a really ancient Ecologic Technologies RainMaker working today purchased over 8 years ago. When I got it they didn't have the pump that can safely run dry. But, it has run dry at least once and everything survived. I've changed out nozzles based on what chams and enclosure sizes I have at the moment, but the system itself has been trouble free. I've even run hose through a wall to cages in a separate room. To keep the nozzles and lines clean and free of mineral build up periodically I coil the hose with nozzles still attached in the bucket reservoir, run a 1:10 hot water and bleach mix through it by the pump, rinse, then run vinegar through it. The vinegar dissolves the minerals if you do it regularly.
I have to say I bought a pro-mist pump it works awesome but I ordered the quad mister from Mist-king I have to say they both make good products and spent about the same amount of money with each company. Pro-mist 3 year warranty is not bad either.
I bought a HerpMist from Jason back in the day and it uses an Aquatec pump... and don't hold me to this... but I am pretty sure it is the same pump that Mistking uses. When I bought it Jason told me that the pump can run dry... I have since accidentally done just that three or four times...once for several hours... and the pump still works great and never burned out. Even though they say it is okay to run them dry... I still think it something that can't be good for the pump.
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