Another painting


New Member
I know there not Chameleons, but I hope you wont mind me posting it here:D My next one has chams, though!
This is my latest watercolor, featuring a family of Golden Conures and a Brazilian orchid, Pabstia Jugosa. This painting is 22 x 30 and took me just over three weeks to complete. I really hope you will enjoy it!!
Thanks for taking a look,

(crappy lighting ...I had a hard time getting a good photo!)

Some closer images


Wow! Really fantastic work. I LOVE watercolor paintings. I don't see that many around at all, but you're making it look easy! Very, very beautiful work.

Sun conures?

or am i mistakin they look like one other species of parrot but not sure.

Great stuff as usual.
Thank you! They are Queen of Bavaria -or- golden conures. If I had the room or the $$$ for another conure(I have two) it would be a Golden! They are stunning birds!
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