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My female brev passed away today from being egg bound. I didn't even know she was gravid. I palpated her belly when I found her and felt some lumps, but they were up by her spine closer to her chest. I decided to take them out incase they were fertile.
she had three little tick tack eggies.
Where are the eggs supposed to be? My last Pygmy who came to me gravid and stayed gravid for a month before passing away had her eggs right in front of her hips.
Also, my house is getting cold so I set up a heat lamp. Any suggestions on the temp it should be at? The ambient is around 64, so I set up one to raise one side of the cage to 69-ish and under the other lamp is 74. Too much?
Where are the eggs supposed to be? My last Pygmy who came to me gravid and stayed gravid for a month before passing away had her eggs right in front of her hips.
Also, my house is getting cold so I set up a heat lamp. Any suggestions on the temp it should be at? The ambient is around 64, so I set up one to raise one side of the cage to 69-ish and under the other lamp is 74. Too much?