antisocial issues


New Member
I have a question regarding my new chameleon, hermie's, behavior. When I went to take him out of his cage the other day he was hissing and spitting, and lunged to bite at me. I was quite surprised, because Cory, my hold chameleon, never did any of this and always climbed readily and by herself onto my hand if I stuck it in her cage. I backed off immediately, and later went to try again with the same results. Finally, I put on a very thin fleece glove and went to get him, to which he flipped out hissing and spitting and bitting at it, while throwing himself around. He turned "spotted" (a light green back ground with dark spots) but never all dark or anything. Once out of his cage he was fine, calmed down immediately and was climbing around like nothing had happened.
I don't want to stress him out unnecessarily, but I would like him "moveable" so that his cage can get cleaned out regularly. Is this normal chameleon behavior?? Should I just suck it up and let him throw his "tempertantrums" in hopes that he'll get over it? When we first got him he wasn't like this, but I really don't think that I've done anything to cause this behavior. I always let him climb onto my hand on his own terms, (until he refused to and greeted it with his little tempertantrum), and nothing negative has happened outside of his cage. Usually he just climbs around on the couch supervised.
I'm no expert but it seems like he just needs to adjust. A close friend of mine had a chameleon that would do the same and it eventually got used to her. I dont know if your chameleon is veiled but they tend to be more agressive is which would probably explain his melodramatic ways lol try holding him/her every know and then, let him know your not going to hurt him, take a cricket or a worm in your hand and let him eat it. little things like that will let him know your not something evil attacking it.
Ok, You need to give your cham some space, when they are upset or stressed this behavior is common. If you have this luck while trying to handle your cham then back off for few days and try then.

If they see your hand all the time and you put a glove of any sorts on it will be more stressed cause its something new in there enviroment it will scare then and they will hiss and be upset.

Just remember no amount of stress is good for them and can be fatal. Time is your friend when it comes to cham's. Just give your lil guy some space and, when you attempt to handle him again then be super slow and make sure he looks away from your hand then move in slowly. By doing this it means he is ok with the object.
ok, thank you so much for the advice! I really do want to take good care of him. I was just worried that if I let him get away with it that one time he would learn that that sort of behavior was "acceptable" and would work.

I fed him some wax worms today, which he seems to have enjoyed ... I think that he likes how slow that they move.
Hmm.. I took a different approach to the chameleon tantrum. I just.. stuck my hand in there anyhow. Yes, he puffed, threatened to bite, the whole nine yards. I calmly and gently removed him from the cage. I did this every time, regardless of his reaction. It took almost no time for him to quit throwing tantrums. I won't say he is eager, but he is compliant. My take on things was that the initial stress of getting him used to the idea that I wouldn't take no for an answer was worth the end result.. a cham that I can handle when needed.

I've previously asked about two veiled chameleons in the same cage, and the answer was no, but what about one veiled chameleon and a red-eyed tree frog? Since the cham is diurnal, he won't be bothered by the frog since tree frogs are nocturnal. Also, the cham will bask near the top of the cage in the light, where as the frog will stay more in the foliage on leaves. I don't see how this could be a problem, but tell me if you know better. Thanks!
billumz91 said:
I've previously asked about two veiled chameleons in the same cage, and the answer was no, but what about one veiled chameleon and a red-eyed tree frog? Since the cham is diurnal, he won't be bothered by the frog since tree frogs are nocturnal. Also, the cham will bask near the top of the cage in the light, where as the frog will stay more in the foliage on leaves. I don't see how this could be a problem, but tell me if you know better. Thanks!


I am not sure why you posted under this thread, but I think the biggest issue would be the size difference. Your chameleon would eventually eat the frog, and I would be concerned that the frog would be damaged by the chameleon's sharp nails. Why not just buy another cage for the frog?

I have dealt with antisocial issues for a long time with mine. I have just accepted he is crabby. When I want to move him, I have this stick I hold out and he climbs on to it. He knows that stick means he gets to move. It took a couple times of poking and manouvering (I know it is spelt wrong) to get him to get the idea, but now he will always readily crawl on the stick.
The only time I can hold him is after his "shower" when he is all relaxed. Otherwise, I have given up for the most part. Sometimes he will let me hold him and sometimes he will hiss and lunge- depends on my shirt color, where I've been, the air, the position of the I don't know why.
DanielleB - I have come to the same conclusion w/ my veiled cham. He's just decided that he hates the being taken out of his cage w/ my hand, so I put his old stick in there and nudge it under his feet. It's a little more effort, but he's totally fine afterwards. :)
yup- just happened again today. He was trying to climb a glass table thing I have in my room...was hanging by one foot and a tail and slipping. I held out my hand to let him climb on it- and he hissed, lunged, and slipped even more. I put out the stick, he climbed right on it, happy as can be.
One thing I found weird is, that he will climb up the stick to my arm or my head, whatever's closer, and never hiss.....probably because it is HIS idea, not mine :)
That's how my chameleon is too ... once he is OUT of his cage he climbs all over me, sits in my hand, and appears to be very happy, it's just the GETTING him out process that he doesn't like. I think that I will try the stick technique though, I think that it will work with him.
angry veiled

i have a male cham and recently bought a female the were put into a new enclosure and dont like eachother but the other evening when i turned out the light she slept behind him on a branch and again in the morning they were hissing at eachother then they eat from the same bowl not really sure wat 2 do as they are not hurting each other:confused:
nicxcham said:
i have a male cham and recently bought a female the were put into a new enclosure and dont like eachother but the other evening when i turned out the light she slept behind him on a branch and again in the morning they were hissing at eachother then they eat from the same bowl not really sure wat 2 do as they are not hurting each other:confused:
Seperate them. The best that will happen is that they will breed but the female may be too young for this and in any case when she is gravid she will be extremely stressed by the presence of the male. At worst, the male will attempt to mate with her and they may fight. As it is they see each other as competition for food and one will dominate the other. Could be disasterous in the end. I would seperate them asap as you yourself admitted they don't like each other and they hiss at each other. I think you don't need our advice really, you know deep down you should seperate them.
My turn

It is now my turn to spread my lack of expertise on these situations.

1. Jam, As you can see from all the responses, an ill-tempered chameleon is pretty common. I too have two ill-tempered bundles of joy. As mentioned before, always give your chameleon enough space to make sure that they are not constantly being stressed. Also when you attempt to pick him up by hand and he lunges and hisses make sure you do not jerk away. My girlfriend does this and it only makes them madder. You should not be afraid of his violent actions, I have been bit by my cham before and I can safely say that their hiss is worse than their bite. To avoid getting bit when picking up my cham I put my fingers under his body by his feet, while putting the palm of my hand by one side of his head. This leaves them nothing to bite but palm and unless you have a very chubby palm they won't be able to bite it. When I do this my cham realizes that it's threat didn't work and he then unwilling crawls on to my hand. About two minutes after he is on my hand he is happy again. Good Luck!!!

2. billumz91,
I must first say when you have a question totally unrelated to a topic of a thread do not ask the question under the thread, but instead start a new thread. Now about your question, stop trying to mix your pets. I know you think that they would look really cool together and they probably would, but what about what your pets think. There is no way these animals can benefit by being together. A couple things could happen. At the least your chameleon will become stressed because there is something hopping around his cage while he is trying to sleep. Also, chameleons like to eat moving things. Have you taken a look at the gallery, there is a pic of a cham eating a bird. I am positive that if you put them together you might be missing a frog after a few days. Lastly, who knows what kind of bacteria each of them carry. What if they both carry something that is totally fine to themselves, but harmful to the other. Have you done the research? There are too many bad things that could potentially happen to your pets in order for them to look cool, so keep your pets separate.

3. Nicxcham do what chamgirl says.

I hope this helps.

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