I've been fighting ants ALL day in the cham room today. They got to the fly pupae thats in the lil bowls of the chams cages. Luckily they didn't get to the crickets. I wish I could just use Raid to kill them instantly. I'm been using a mixture of vinegar and water to repel them naturally. But as with natural remedies, it takes some time. The weather was awesome today so I basically had the chams out while I cleaned out their cages. The cages are clean and the chams are back in them but I still see a couple of ants that pop out of nowhere. I do NOT see a trail so I'm pretty frustrated.
Does anyone have any other solutions you can recommend???
I'm going to put the cricket bin in a tray of water just in case tonight.
Does anyone have any other solutions you can recommend???
I'm going to put the cricket bin in a tray of water just in case tonight.