Any harm in leaving a stuck sperm plug?


Established Member
Egon has a stuck sperm plug sticking out of his bum. Just wondering is there any harm in leaving it and letting him work it out on his own? It's only been there one day so far and does not seem to be bothering him. I've read the threads about giving them a warm soak then trying to pull it out but I typically try not to be "hands on" unless necessary since Egon stresses easily. Can I just leave it alone and if so for how long before I need to intervene? Thanks!
If you leave it he will produce more and they will build up making it harder to remove. Soaking his butt in warm water will help. Be careful pulling it out as it may be well stuck.
If you don't want to get so touchy you could probably get a q tip and dip it in warm water. From there you should be able to gently rub it and loosen it up
Ok, guess I'll try it. I'm not so worried about touching him or it. Just don't think he'll appreciate the soak. Was hoping it would just come loose on its own but I don't want any harm to come to him from leaving it.
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