Any Idea's on this Discovery?


New Member
Hello I raise my own silkworms but don't have an any mulberry trees or plants to collect from so I order the powdered chow mix online. I usually get it from Mulberry Farms but have recently ordered from Coastal Silkworms Eastcoast store (I live in NH). What i noticed was that the powdered food from Coastal Silkworms was the exact same as the one from Mulberry Farms, they had just put a new label on top of the Mulberry Farms label, I even took the time to peel them apart just to be sure. Mulberry Farms label on the chow first then a Coastal Silkworms label on top of that to hide it. So are Mulberry Farms and Coastal Silkworms the same business? What is going on here?

My somewhat educated guess is that Mulberry may have of a lock on chow imports and Costal has to buy it from them. If that isn't the case then Coastal may have had a delay on shipments from their own source :eek:.
I believe they buy from the same place, or at least that's what someone told me.
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