Any one else hunt/shoot recreationally?

Chameleon Loco

New Member
I just renewed my hunting license and plan purchase a new rifle, but my choices are limited though since I live in California.:mad: BTW can anyone recomend a good left handed bolt action rifle?
I do both myself mostly bowhunting/ archery though. What caliber rifle are you considering? Or more importantly what do you plan on hunting?
I am leaning towards a .243 Winchester or a .308 Winchester. I plan to hunt deer and boar.

Imo .243 is a little on the small side, I wouldnt hunt deer( Im assuming mulies or blacktail?) With anything smaller than .270.. 308 would be an excellent choice since most any one can be deadly accurate out to 300 yrds.
I CAN'T WAIT FOR ELK AND DEER SEASON TO START!!!! i'm planning on killing all that my tag allows me and then head up to washington to get some more no beef for me after this coming hunting season!!!
I just finished eating a batch of deer jerky i made myself from the deer i shot last season with my Austin and Halleck .50 cal muzzle loader..

I am in utah so we hunt mulies... their are some people that use a .243 but i'd get something bigger. Never hurts to have a little extra punch. I actually just put in for our hunts last night.

I'm not a big rifle fan though :) Archery and muzzle loaderes (the old school ones) are the way to go ;)
should i be amazed there are so many hunters on here?

i havent been out in a while, ever since they threw up 5 developments in the area there is no where to walk to.

damn i miss venison
I am currently in the process of machining my own bolt gun from ground up. I will be buying the components as blanks or parts I cant make: stock, trigger, bipod. Just a hobby of mine.
I am currently in the process of machining my own bolt gun from ground up. I will be buying the components as blanks or parts I cant make: stock, trigger, bipod. Just a hobby of mine.

sounds expensive. i bet you watch too much discovery channel
sounds expensive. i bet you watch too much discovery channel

Some people may think I do. :D I already have the equipment or I can use stuff from where I work. I think I can keep it around 1000-1500 without scope. It is still cheaper than my other hobby of motorcycle racing.
i throw rocks at pigeons in the park on my lunch break. :D

I do shoot recreationally, but living in NY i have to go out of state to shoot anything "fun" till i get my handgun permit.

I do a lot of range shooting when im out in Fl. My buddy has a HK USP .9mm as his carry. I shot a few handguns and and the USP 9mm was one of the most user friendly and acurate firearms i have shot.
Yeah HK makes a great gun

My dad has a HK usp compact in .40 s&w very accurate and almost no recoil. I feel your pain on owning fun guns. The gun laws in California are almost as bad as New Yorks :(
I am currently in the process of machining my own bolt gun from ground up. I will be buying the components as blanks or parts I cant make: stock, trigger, bipod. Just a hobby of mine.
At the macine shop I used to work at, all the older machinist made their own guns. Really awesome stuff.
My dad has a HK usp compact in .40 s&w very accurate and almost no recoil. I feel your pain on owning fun guns. The gun laws in California are almost as bad as New Yorks :(

;/ In TX, we could legally get suppressed Mac10s:D
Fairly "fun" totally ridiculus;)
I wanna ask, you guys don't shoot animals just for "fun" I really hope not :( breaks my heart to see hunters kill a deer or other animals for fun and not to feed themselves or a family :(
I always eat what I shoot

I think it is in humane to kill an animals for fun unless it is an inavasive species like the cane toads of austrailia. Many anti hunters do not realize that hunting actually helps the forest as it culls the wild population making sure that the ones that survive do not starve to the death from lack of food and water
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