Any other reef keepers?

26 gallon reef

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Am I reefer! You will usually find me actively on TRT aka The Reef Tank Forum.

This is the most recent picture of my 120 gallon. Some things have been moved like that patch of xenia in the sand and my small frogspawn frag, so it looks a little different right now. This is the most current one on my computer though. Not many corals I know, but I am getting there.

I don't have a chameleon yet, so I was wondering what you cham owners think which one is easiest to care for? I already know aquariums are NOT easy lol. The water changes get to me :eek:
I haven't been keeping chameleons that long but it's a lot easier than managing stony coral tank, unless you automate everything..
So how do you think maintenance compares then? My reef will sometime take me 4+ hours to clean, but that's usually if I do a deep cleaning. 2-3 hours is more like it. My reef also consists of mostly softies, lps, and anemones at this point. I have one lonely little sps frag that is doing fabulous though.
I spend maybe 15 min a day working with my tank. Water changes take 30 mins. I have a 120g tank, 29g tank (both Reef tanks have softies, lps, sps and anemones) and QT tank. I spend 5 mins checking on my chameleons every day.
Oh that's not too bad for a cham. I could do that for sure.

Ok how do you only have 30 minute water changes? Is that for the 120 gallon? I really don't like waterchanges and would love to be able have 30 minutes instead of 2+ hours!
I do 40 gal water changes in the 120. It mixes in a barrel, I pump 40 gal out, pump 40 gal in then pump the old water down a drain.
Interesting. How deep is your sand bed? I always siphon the sand because I always seem to get a lot of junk build up. So how long have you been reefing? I'm oncoming about 4 years.
It's only about an inch in each tank. I prefer bare bottom but my wife like the look of sand more. I have a lot of flow in all my tanks and it's set up so very little collects in any one spot.

I've been reefing for a little over 2 years.
It's only about an inch in each tank. I prefer bare bottom but my wife like the look of sand more. I have a lot of flow in all my tanks and it's set up so very little collects in any one spot.

I've been reefing for a little over 2 years.

Ok that explains it. I wondered how you balanced the sand and detritus thing. High flow solves that pretty well though. I also like BB so I wouldn't have to syphon as much, but like, my family doesn't like the look. They think it looks unfinished. I wish I could be sandless, but at the same time I just made this killer aquascape recently I am not tearing that down to remove some sand :p

Nice tank! Looks good :)
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