Any pics off wooden vivs?


New Member
Looking for ideas for my setup. I have a 3x4x1.5 wooden viv was looking to put baby in it and looking to cup feed so that it can fined food in the big space?
Thanks what plants would you recommended for the viv my light will be in viv with guard round it so wont be 4ft high but close enough
i would *EXTREMELY HIGHLY* advise against putting a heat light in your enclosure.

They can not tell that they are burning themselves, and even with a guard, will climb directly onto the guard which will be incredibly hot.

As for the food issue, I simply place a large container (much bigger than a cup, like a 12"x6" plastic container) with crickets and even some cricket food/etc. I keep enough crickets in there that they can notice (more than a days worth of food) but make sur the crickets can't get out.

I place the container directly besides some elevated planters, so that they can easily hang off the bottom of the plants and pick off crickets from the tub w/o the crickets getting out.

If you want to see a build of my full-wood enclosure, you can check out my threads, but it isn't complete yet. Word of warning: if you are using FULL wood panelling (as opposed to wood-framing only) you need to consider water-proofing your wood or you will face rot/mold issues faster than you'd like..
I have these two:





I will have the light on a dimmer so the light won't get above the temp that it needs. I have all the joints sealed so water cant touch untreated bits of wood
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