Any Vegetarian Owners?

Are you kidding, I respect vegetarians. I just know I could never live as one. To me there is nothing better than a nice juicy steak, or prime rib. Hamburgers with lots of cheese, and burritos deep fried and covered in chili and cheese. MMMMmmm... I do enjoy many fruits and I crave a good salad all the time but greasy food is the best :)
I love animals to bits and want a carreer working with them, however theres no way i could become a veggie :p

(ps, when i saw this thread i instantly thought "i dont keep a pet veggie")
blah Poor cows/pigs/chickens/turkeys *sniff* hehe I've only been Veg for 5 months. Its not as hard as it seems and I feel good. I don't miss meat at all actually... And I like knowing I'm reducing my risk of heart disease and cancer (since both run in my family)
mmmmmmmmmm meat. hahaha sorry I used to be one for 4 years. All that did was make me want even more meat now hahah. But it is a very loving and healthy lifestyle.
been vegetarian too for about 2 months.
:) health reason really. not a political or nor lifestyle preference.
So you don't feel sorry for the vegetables that you pick out of the garden and peel the skin off of while they are still alive? You don't feel sorry for the vegetables you drop into a pot of boiling water while they're still alive?
i was a vegetarian for quite a number of years actually... up until i got pregnant with my daughter 3 years ago anyways. i had to start eating chicken and fish just to maintain a healthy weight and continued eating meat after she was born. i really enjoyed not eating animals but for health reasons i have come to the conclusion that eating meat helps me keep a relatively healthy weight (i have a very small frame, about 5'7" tall and a lean 100lbs or so!)
so i am no longer a herbivore :( but i guess that i can live with it. as for the rest of you who are, good for you!!
lol Kinyonga.. take it easy :)
I think one of the argument is that vegetables cannot feel pain?

Correct me if i am wrong.. (As I am only a vegetarian for 2 months. So, I'm a newbie)
but, vegetarians is basically someone who eats vegetables for health reason or whatever, but they do eat some animal products such as milk and cheese.
As far as protein goes, soy and other beans are sufficient in my opinion.

Vegan is the one that eat vegetables out of their beliefs.
the people that i know who are vegan do not believe in having pets, eat any processed foods and animal related products.

am I right? I can be wrong though..
i dunno about that. I become vegetarian due to health reasons.
So I guess I can eat fish? :):confused:
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