Anyone else's Chameleon sleep with their tongue out a little?

ok but still monitor it and see dont guess as the humidty conditions in the habittat will change with the external weather conditions..
Lol I don't guess at my humidity levels. My humidity is 80% at the bottom of my cage and mid 70s at the top of my cage.
ok well your good on that aspect for me thats hard to achieve here in socal.without many way i could do it in that type setup you have impossible
not unless it was in a closed room controlled enviroment.
Jasmine is toxic to cats .....maybe it's toxic to chameleons too....maybe the leaves have toxins in them and licking them transferred them to the chameleon??
Jasmine is toxic to cats .....maybe it's toxic to chameleons too....maybe the leaves have toxins in them and licking them transferred them to the chameleon??
From the plant lists that I have seen for chameleons Jasmine is a safe plant and it has been in his cage for almost 2 months now
How long has those legs been like that? Has he been treated for metabolic bone disease?

Several people have commented that your young chameleon looks like he has severe metabolic bone disease, based on the severely bent or broken legs. If your vet said that a lot of chameleons are like that I would fire that vet and find one that had an inkling of how to treat reptiles. Just because a lot of chameleons suffer from this disease doesn't mean it is normal. It is a serious, painful and life threatening disease and should be treated. Broken bones are not without pain regardless of the cause.

I suggest you read the article at the top of the Health section on metabolic bone disease.

You need to get this animal to a vet that has some understanding of treating reptiles.
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