Anyone Have pics of Ambanjas


Avid Member
Hey..Whats up with everyone...I was wondering if anybody had anypics of there ambanjas they could share with me...I got a wild caught one about 2 months ago and he is ridiculous...When he fires up his face is white with blue pattern,yellow lips, and his body is blue and white to the tip of his tail...He is a stunning cham...But in the mean time do you know what kind of Ambanja he could be? Thank You
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I dont have any available right now....jus broke my digital but he looks very similar to this...jus a lil more red inside the darker blue bands
His white actually turns like a snow white..There is a major contrast in colors...They call them Blue Diamond Ambanjas...
Sounds like a designer name to me. An ambanja is an ambanja although there are some slight color differences between amabanjas.
Blue Diamonds are Ambanjas from all depends on how much you want to break down a locale. Like you can break Ambilobe into Sirama which are more your blue bar Ambilobe that tend to have your greens that fire up yellow. Technically it is locale north west of Ambilobe, but they are basically Ambilobes. I think I have some female Ambanjas that came in with the shipment in Feb that were close to Ambato (white backgrounds with either red or blue barring).

hello here some pics of my ambanja blue diamond.
it's the same ambanja at about 6 month , 7 month, 8 month and 10 month.


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Here are a couple of my ambanja breeders.


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wow.. thats a new one to me..i always thought designer names just made the profit margin a lil higher.. cool chams for sure..i always loved the blue on blue ambanjas..nice pics guys!
i bred my male ambanja to one of the females that came in that shipment of of ambatos that i got from you chris(cleanline chams). im stoked to see what comes out of this pairing. im sure something killer is bound to come out of these two. hopefully some of the males turn out like this one you have pictured or like some of the ones our french forum members have posted. now all we can do is sit back and wait for the little jewels to incubate!!!! in the mean time the other female should become receptive and maybe ill have two lines of this beautiful not so common ambanja.:cool:
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