Established Member
So quite frequently I look at Craigslist to see if there’s any rescues and it amazes me at some chams posted and what their enclosures look like. There’s this one jackson and the branches are vertical he has no uvb, a carpet floor, and 2 fake plants. I’m begging my boyfriend to allow us to bring another reptile in the house but until we move he won’t let me . It hurts to see this and I know this post is stupid but I wonder if anyone is by the Philly area and is able to rescue these animals? If anyone is I just think he needs the help. I’ve seen him for sale for over a month now and it hurts my heart. I may just end up buying him myself but I’m nowhere near experienced in caring for a jackson. If anyone knows any body who takes rescues or wants to adopt by my area let me know please. I hate seeing animals not properly cared for.