Aphid Problems?


New Member
We are the proud owners of a juvenile veiled chameleon. We just recently moved him into his new home, a large entertainment center that was converted into a screened-in cage. We introduced some live plants but have since had some aphid problems. We have a hibiscus and a large shefflera. The hibiscus is completely infested with aphids. We are worried because the hibiscus is his favorite spot.

What are some all natural ways to get rid of the aphids without putting the chameleon or plant at risk?

Will the aphids hurt our chameleon?
Aphids wont do your chameleon any harm but they will probably hurt your plant. Not something I would really worry about, but I know that some people harvest them and feed them to neonatal pygmy chams or rotate between 2 hibiscus. You could take that hibiscus out, put a new one in, and treat the one you took out with ladybugs. Ladybugs are poisonous, however, so you dont want to introduce them to the plant while its still in the enclosure.
I would take the plant outside and spray (rather forcefully) with a strong stream from your garden hose. Make sure to spray well on the underside of the leaves and leaf joints where they like to hide. check it a little later and spray again if necessary. Hope this helps.

Aphids are the easiest things in the world to kill. This is fortunate, because there's almost nothing that breeds faster than aphids.

A blast of water might dislodge most of them, but I wouldn't count on it. I like to burn their little hides with Safer's Insecticidal Soap. Its harmless to you and I, and our scaly pets. It washes off cleanly and is not unpleasant to use. I usually spray and wait for it to dry; then I wash off the carcasses.

FWIW, I also use this stuff for cleaning plants off when I first get them to rid them of their greenhouse sprays.
Ladybugs eat aphids...so take the plant out of the cage and find some ladybugs to do the work. DO NOT PUT THE LADYBUGS IN THE CAGE....THEY ARE TOXIC TO CHAMELEONS.
Aphids are the easiest things in the world to kill. This is fortunate, because there's almost nothing that breeds faster than aphids.

Actually nothing DOES breed faster than aphids....the creepy creatures are actually BORN PREGNANT! Can't beat that for efficiency.
Cover the world

Regarding how fast aphids can breed, I heard a statistic in a college horticulture class: If I remember correctly, starting with one aphid and given optimal temperatures and unlimited food, at the end of one year the aphid poulation would cover the land on earth four feet deep.
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