Arcadia t5 daylight bulb


New Member
I have the Arcadia lighting 24" UVB 6% and the daylight bulb in my 2x2x4 enclosure I was wondering if that was good enough UVB or should I add a second UVB 6% bulb that I bought or keep the set up I have. It seems great as is but just want some opinions
You'll be fine. It'll be cheaper to just upgrade to the 10.0 UVB Arcadia instead of getting another 6.0. But usually chams hang out on the top of their foliage which makes them get enough UVB anyways. Also it'll be super cheaper if you don't upgrade at all :p

Or if you're worried about your cham not getting enough UVB Rays, you can always take him outside for about 30 minutes 2 times a week when the temps are warm enough.
Thanks I know he gets enough UVB I was just being curious to see what people though. And when it gets warm enough I'm building him a nice outdoor enclosure for our backyard. He's very spoiled! He has been climbing the sides of his enclosure and I know it's not to small for him. What do you guys think I should try
Thanks I know he gets enough UVB I was just being curious to see what people though. And when it gets warm enough I'm building him a nice outdoor enclosure for our backyard. He's very spoiled! He has been climbing the sides of his enclosure and I know it's not to small for him. What do you guys think I should try
Nice, Wish i could build my dude an outdoor enclosure. I have an old mesh cage that I could probably use actually...

To answer your question, If you moved him or added new things to his enclosure he's just exploring around. He's peepin around his cage so he gets familiar with his new environment. I just got another cham last week and he's still doing the samething as yours. Your cham might not eat for a day or 2 because he might be stressed out. I just put food in my chams cage and let him chill and eventually he started eating...Just takes time/patience :D

Also, if you didn't move him or make any arrangements, then it's normal lol. Sometimes chams hang upside down...

How old is your cham? And what species?
He's about six months and he's a Jackson's :D such a beautiful little dinosaur haha :) and I have moved anything in his cage so I guess he's just being himself. He does it time and time again. I'm going to get a veiled or panther soon though, in April. I'm moving to a huge house that my gparents are putting an addition on and be extra space will make good for another chameleon!
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