Are butterflies with large wings safe?


my veiled didn't even touch the wax worms i have no idea. i was very frustrated when he didn't even eat one-- they all were moving. so I put the small plastic container of wax worms away and eventually half died and half turned into this small moth looking thing that flies and he loved those. i'd day it was a waste unless you know how to get them to like it-- any suggestion?

about the superworms (they're still all alive, i bought them 2 months ago) he ate it for the first 2 days and then i think it mist have smacked him in the face maybe but he doesn't like them now =-(
I would skip buying crix from Amazon. Ghann's is a forum sponsor and sells crix very reasonable and even with shipping it is way cheaper than buying from a pet store. I agree that 1000 crix for a couple chams is way too many. You can get 250 or 500 from Ghanns; I used to get 250 of largest size and 250 of a smaller size to grow and then feed off. I promise you that crickets stink; in general and when they die! I kept mine in a very large plastic container with the bottom cut out and replaced by aluminum screening (they will chew through fiberglass). It helped cut down the smell because it was easier to empty the poop as if fell through the screening.
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