Are Carrots Okay?

Oh I see,your guys is explain so well and detail .I learn lot chameleon knowledge from here .Very like this forum,many expert here,better than I read from Google.
I also have raw retinol powder on hand ,this is for make my skincare products,althougt it's edible and consumable.I think this can be preform vitamin a Can I use it for chameleon?
Agree with @elizaann2
I would keep it with products developed for chameleon use. Why risk long term damage to your chameleon organs, just to “save” a few dollars. Supplements are cheap around $10.00 and that’s for at least a year of use. One visit to the vet will be 10 years worth of the right supplements. Supplements got the out balanced dosage (then the user is responsible for the overdosing).
Also agree with @kinyonga it’s better to feed the feeders the veggies and fruits than your cham. Alone for the fact how stressful feeding your cham with a syringe is. They’re made to hunt live prey with their tongue and not the be hand feed by a syringe.
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