I found a really nice cat palm(Chamaedorea cataractarum) and am curious if they are safe for chams or if anyone has every used them in their enclosures before?
Dont know, but the palms are very slippery, and your cham might fall... You should use vines that crosses the palm if you want it. Thats what im recommending. Other thing you can do is to get a benjamin ficus or a citrus tree. They are great!
Here is a mixture of 1 fake vine hanging by the ground and a real vine in the corner of the background and the citrus tree. Really good, terrarium done today!
I use them in most of my enclosures.
The Veileds munch on them from time to time.
I haven't had any problems.
I think it adds a little tropical feel to the enclosure.
On the plus side, they don't require that much light.
If I did use a palm I definitely would add alot more vines and branches for him. I also found a Dracaena Marginata for a good price too but cant find much info as far as being toxic or not. The link below is abou the best pic I could find one. Anyone know anything about these?