Are Lacewings safe?


New Member
I've collected a ton of these guys. Or has anyone feed these to their Chams?


They feed on aphids and such.

Great Link for feeders
Definetly not a lacewing.

I think it is either a dobsonfly or related(Neuroptera) or else an antlion. But whatever it is I'm sure a cham would enjoy it.
Looks like a dobsonfly. I'm pretty sure it's not a lacewing. It looks the most like a dragonfly, but the rear wings are wrong for that.
That's not a lacewing. I'm not sure exactly what it is but if you want to be a hundred percent sure that it's ok to feed it to your cham go to I've looked there to identify a few insects that I got while collecting field plankton for some other lizards I have. I like to know what I'm feeding to my chams before I feed it to them :)
Thank you everyone. I wasn't sire if it was a lacewing or not. Now, that I know what it is, I'll pass on collecting them.
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