Are super worms good for chameleons?


New Member
Hello everyone. I wanted to ask you chameleon keepers out there who feed your lizards super worms a question. I had a chameleon about 5 years ago, I got it when I saw one in my local pet store. The people who worked there told me how easy it was to care for such creature so after some saving up I got one, it was a yemen. They didn't mention that chameleons needed vitamins and told me it was ok to feed them flies from the fishing store. After some time my yemen got sick so I had to take her (it was a female) to the vet. The vet then told me that I shouldn't have listened to the people who worked at petstores, because it is their job to sell animals. She told me that its a miracle that my yemen survived, then she introduced me to the right care. She told me that I should feed my chameleon super worms, but first I needed to crush the worms head. The reason she told me seemed logical, she said that super worms have very strong and sharp pinchers and if chameleon (any kind of lizard in fact) doesn't kill it while chewing then there is a risk that the super worm might puncture lizards intestines and eventualy kill it. So do any of you who feed your lizard super worms crush its head?
I have never crushed a head and there is no proof of this happening that I know of. Just a myth as far as I know.
I have used superworms in my feeding rotations and the only time I've had an issue is one time the lip of a cham got bit. I'm sure it happens in the wild.

A little hexedene on a q-tip once a day for two days made sure it didn't get infected. Other than that I've had no problems
I have heard horror stories of geckos getting bit pretty bad in the throat or stomach when they've eaten a superworm, but you really don't have to worry about it with a cham. See geckos just chomp and then swallow whole and wiggly. Chams on the other hand actually chew until it's pretty much dead. The only time I have ever done anything to a superworms head is when I've mutilated it's jaws with a pair of toenail clipper and only because I was feeding them to leopard geckos. My panther cham gets it just the way it is ^^
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