Are there any other tarantula people?


New Member
Am I the only one :(

If you are one, what type(s) do you have?


That's just one of mine :D
There are a few spider people on here, not just you :) I have a few Scorpians now but had a tarantula once. She was a Chilean Rose. What others do you have? I saw a tread by Trace with lots of diferent spiders on it I think.
There are a few spider people on here, not just you :) I have a few Scorpians now but had a tarantula once. She was a Chilean Rose. What others do you have? I saw a tread by Trace with lots of diferent spiders on it I think.

Aw yay! Chilean Roses are pretty! Scorpions are amazing too. Haha this sounds awful but I love watching them eat. I have a Green Bottle Blue, and I just got a baby Antilles pink toe. It's so precious. I'll have to go look for that thread, thanks for the heads up :D
I don't have any at the moment but I had two rose hairs and a pink toe years ago. I loved watching them.

Haha oh lord rose hairs. First spider I ever held. Also the first spider to kick up on me haha. Probably why I don't have one now. But man they have gorgeous colors. I always think of them as the hypnospiders. As soon as someone holds them and sees them, they buy it. Yeah, just watching how they eat and almost nest..? It's fascinating.
I have a fairly large but still young CBB Chilean Rose and a young A. versicolor sling that just moulted today! She/he gets bluer every time I look.

Moderator/user Trace has a few big hairy spiders, if I recall.
i have 20 T's. pretty much a mixture of everything. trying to get some breeding projects off the ground. :D:D
Kenya- that's awesome. I bet the colors are gorgeous. Haha there's probably a connection between why we like chams and tarantulas! :D

Dcooley08- I'm so jealous! I'd breed but I'm overrun by everything. haha. Everywhere you look, snakes, chams, tarantulas. The herp room is full. Lol. :p

KarmaChameleon1337- maybe you should take her to a neutral environment and let her see you holding something very timid like a Chaco or rose hair. Its actually worked for some people with serious arachnophobia. Just gentle exposure slowly. A little a time without forcing it upon them. :)
Kenya- that's awesome. I bet the colors are gorgeous. Haha there's probably a connection between why we like chams and tarantulas! :D

Dcooley08- I'm so jealous! I'd breed but I'm overrun by everything. haha. Everywhere you look, snakes, chams, tarantulas. The herp room is full. Lol. :p

KarmaChameleon1337- maybe you should take her to a neutral environment and let her see you holding something very timid like a Chaco or rose hair. Its actually worked for some people with serious arachnophobia. Just gentle exposure slowly. A little a time without forcing it upon them. :)

soo jelouse, wish i had a herp room. i had my share of snakes a couple years ago breeding and selling. now im moving on to chams and T's. But i wish i could hav them all. i want my own online pet shop!!
Haha the sad thing was it was my fiancés gaming room/storage. And we work out at a exotic reptile shop so a few things we keep out there as overflow. We still have no space. Lmao.
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