Are these Dubia Roaches??


These guys were just picked up today at my local pet shop. They were mixed in with Lobster Roaches so I'm not sure. They were climbing out of the critter keeper and I was under the understanding that Dubias couldn't climb slick services. Had to catch one that climbed out and was on my bedroom floor. Thank goodness I had a small cup near by to catch it with because I wouldn't want him getting in my bed while I'm sleeping. Lol ImageUploadedByTapatalk1379544775.081633.jpg

it doesnt looks like a dubia at all..
it does looks kind of like a young lobster... (lobster nymph)
here is a picture of adult and young lobsters, so you can see:

its hard to tell from the image quality though

Dang it. they look just like the young lobster roaches. Sorry about picture quality. Maybe I can get a better one when it climbs the wall of the critter keeper its in. I won't be holding it to take a

Thanks for the response and the link.
i keep some dubias in a critter keeper rand they cant climb it..they can climb in the tubes..but not up the walls of the critter keeper itself. generally speaking if it climbs the walls.. not a dubia
i keep some dubias in a critter keeper rand they cant climb it..they can climb in the tubes..but not up the walls of the critter keeper itself. generally speaking if it climbs the walls.. not a dubia

Thats what I thought. Guess they gave me a mix of dubia and lobster roaches. I went ahead and fed off the lobster roaches(not taking any chances of them getting out and ending up in my bed....Like I said before I can't take care of my boys if I have a heart and both of my boys loved them. (veiled Rebel and bearded dragon Fire) Now I just need to order some adults and start breeding.
Well, I decided to try and hold a baby dubia last night and they are not near as gross as I thought they would be. Maybe its because they are still really little. Not sure if I could hold an adult. :D
i keep some dubias in a critter keeper rand they cant climb it..they can climb in the tubes..but not up the walls of the critter keeper itself. generally speaking if it climbs the walls.. not a dubia

juice.. There are two kinds of totes. The totes that have a slight texture dubias can climb. I figured that out the hard way
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