Are They Boys?


New Member
Well, as some of you know I'm getting my first F. pardalis hatchlings these days and I've noticed that some of the hatchlings have blue-green blushing on their faces straight out of the egg. Each one looks a little different from the rest too, which I suppose is also normal. Some are black and white all the time, some are orange, some are pink, one has glowing neon yellow spots,...

I guess what i want to know from those of you with experience breeding this species is, does the blue on the face or the bright red throats on hatchlings indicate sex?

I have read that you can only guess pardalis hatchling sex by looking at the thickness of the tail base.

Any feedback would be swell.


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The only was to sex the babies is by looking at the thickness of the base of the tail. In my experience, newly hatch panther babies have a red throad. When it gets older..... some will remain red some will not. Maybe is defence strategy.... "look at me, I am bright red, i am poisonous". Also, some female also will show some blue on the cheek, therefore it is not 100% proof

Here is a picture of a male:

Here is a picture of the female:

Many thanks for taking the time to answer my question and post those pics. That is exactly what I was looking for in a response... especially the pics of the baby female with blue blushing on the face and a red throat.

Thank you very much!
Sexing babies.......

Yeah, color on the checks is not a sure sign of being male. I've had lots of girls with green on their checks the first week. Watching them walk around with their tails moving around is the best way for me. When the tail sways this way and that, you can see a very slight fleshy area appear and disappear below the line of the tail bone. You won't see this with girls. Hatchling girls can have very vivid and striking patterns of stripes and bars too. Aren't babies fun!!!
Cool tip with the "tail swaying" PardalisGirl! I'll look for that.
Thanks very much, and yes babies are a lot of fun!:D
Thanks Chuck!

Maybe an experienced breeder could get it right most of the time, but I certainly can't tell. Just for the record I will sell them as "unsexed juveniles" and not "probable male/female".
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