Are veilds really a more aggressive species?


New Member
Just curious if they are really more aggressive or moody on average or is it just that we hear of more of the stories of folks that have a veilds with tude opposed to other Cham species?
I see a lot where folks post that veilds on average have more attitude, so I guess I am wondering why that is?

Do you have a veilded Cham and do he/she have an "tude"? Oh and why does veiled not fit the grammer rules of "I" before "E" except after "C"...LOL :rolleyes:
It depends on the chameleon and how much and how you handle them. I know of a lot of people on here who have very nice veileds mine Is very nice.
Mine is pretty chill and if I am not paying attention he will just climb out on me some how. He begs to come out alot.
Depends on how you raise them really, mine was very chill and a sweetie, honestly some males are just mean lol But if you give them there space and respect them they will be nice to you on those times that you do take them out and you can even hand feed them pretty often. Just respect the space they want. They are a viewing pet more than anything.
I was just curious. I think I have seen a half a dozen post recently saying that veilds have more attitude.

I certainly know every Cham is different but I took these statements to mean that in general veilds are just not as friendly. Was not sure why that would be is all, I. would think that would be for any Cham depending on how you work with them.
Depends on how you raise them really, mine was very chill and a sweetie, honestly some males are just mean lol But if you give them there space and respect them they will be nice to you on those times that you do take them out and you can even hand feed them pretty often. Just respect the space they want. They are a viewing pet more than anything.

More or less handling as they grow up doesn't guarrantee a friendly cham. Some decide to be stressy and standoffish regardless of how often or in what way the are handled. And this isn't really species specific. I've had pissy veileds, nice veileds, pissy jax, mellow jax, same with panthers, melleri, fischeri. You can get a stressy pissy cham to tolerate your daily activity around the cage but some just never submit to much handling even if they will shoot a treat from your hand or a cup. It really is individual.
Cammie, you've seen a zillion picks of my Stanley... He is the sweetest little guy ever! Always wants to come out and ride on my shoulder. I even took him for a ride to the post office once, he loved it!
He's never bit, hissed or even blown up at me! He is one sweet veiled!!!
Cammie, you've seen a zillion picks of my Stanley... He is the sweetest little guy ever! Always wants to come out and ride on my shoulder. I even took him for a ride to the post office once, he loved it!
He's never bit, hissed or even blown up at me! He is one sweet veiled!!!

Yes and not to mention he is one handsome boy!

I keep thinking back to a video Jann posted of all the little ones she was raising just fighting to climb her arm....LOL. They were adorable.

I would not mind getting one eventually but I would definitely want one that has been handled from the get go. I understand that can change but at least I have a head start. :D

If Stanley ever has little ones, hit me up!

On the other hand my boy Waldo is just a pissy little thing. Hoping that will change one day but if not I still love him to pieces. He won't even begin to think about letting me handle him. Just the thought disturbs him I I have however seen signs that he may be more tolerating, so....hey, baby steps. The thing is I don't mind not handling him, but it would be nice to know I could if I needed to. Not to mention I just want him to love me :p For now though will just keep trying like the little train that could :D
That's one reason I often suggest that cham owners also need a beardie, dog, or some other critter at lavish their attention on instead of the cham who never shows any appreciation for all the time, effort, and worry we spend on them. :D
That's one reason I often suggest that cham owners also need a beardie, dog, or some other critter at lavish their attention on instead of the cham who never shows any appreciation for all the time, effort, and worry we spend on them. :D

Right on! I have those covered :D
More or less handling as they grow up doesn't guarrantee a friendly cham. Some decide to be stressy and standoffish regardless of how often or in what way the are handled. And this isn't really species specific. I've had pissy veileds, nice veileds, pissy jax, mellow jax, same with panthers, melleri, fischeri. You can get a stressy pissy cham to tolerate your daily activity around the cage but some just never submit to much handling even if they will shoot a treat from your hand or a cup. It really is individual.

Ugh, mine is one of those who will eat from my hands, drink from my hands, and even tolerate me around, but he will NOT FOR THE LIFE OF HIM get on my hand. I will sit there with my hand under his chin and try to slide him on and he either 1) gets pissy or 2) stares at my hand and does nothing. Silly cham.
My veiled has been pissy since day 1 ... lol . This is the pic I took of her when I first opened the container and got her out :


Kind of looks like she's flipping me off ... lol . Well , I can't even put my hand in her cage without her freaking out . When I reach in to change out her plant or something else , she puffs up and hisses loud at me . Now my Jax , on the other hand , is a sweetheart . I open her door and she comes right to the front of the cage .
I have a male veiled chameleon and every since he arrived (3 weeks ago), he's been very cool, sweet and friendly. I haven't had any problems with him at all. I do handle him and he loves being on my arm. He turns to a very bright green. Sometimes I lay in bed and I let him roam through my bed and he likes to climb on me and just chill on my shoulder which I think is pretty nice. I have a things where he could climb on my windows and just relax there and he absolutely loves it. He has hissed at me a couple of times because when I go get him to put him back into his cage, it looks like he doesn't want to go yet but I think that's normal. He eats everyday from my hand now and when I open the cage up, he comes a little toward me like if he wants to get out or something.

Like people are saying, it really depends on a little luck and how your raise them. Earn their trust, give them their space and respect them :)
Yes and not to mention he is one handsome boy!

I keep thinking back to a video Jann posted of all the little ones she was raising just fighting to climb her arm....LOL. They were adorable.

I would not mind getting one eventually but I would definitely want one that has been handled from the get go. I understand that can change but at least I have a head start. :D

If Stanley ever has little ones, hit me up!


thank you cammie! when i was looking for a chameleon, seeing how Jann's Luie and Camille reacted to her, even to her dog Red. and when i saw the way she handled the babies as soon as they hatched, i knew i wanted one of hers! he has been a pleasure from the day i got him! i definitely feel it makes a difference in their demeanor!!!

well, enough of my "proud mama gushing"... i'll let you know if there are any baby Stanley's one day... it's kinda in the works!! ;)
I think the same thing all the time. We have had two veileds from the same clutch they were brother and sister. They both were extremely aggressive even with being held almost every day. Then we got a girl from a local pet show, and I had the same thought "are veileds all aggressive." Well this girl has grown quite nicely and doesn't have a very bad temper. She hisses when putting a hand into her reptarium but she doesn't try to strike. What happens when an animal senses fear?? The animal usually reacts with fear. Our other two sibling
veileds (RIP) would literally try to bite and leap away from being held. All and all its a great experience with these critters.
Picasso has been the sweetest boy since we got him and now because the way we have to feed him, he gets handled a lot, maybe more than most do on these boards and he has remained the sweetest, I don't understand how because I'm sure he thinks every time we pick him up it is to force his mouth open and insert food, water, meds or something......I do love him more than I could have ever thought and with all he has had to endure, that love has grown.
My Boy Just turned 7 months old 8 days ago and he is really sweet so far lol his cage is near my couch where i sit and he will come down to the bottom of the cage and go to my side where i am sitting, He just loves me so! or plotting doom towards me lol But honestly he is a sweet guy and will come out on my hand with a little nudge or if i open up a meal worm container in front of him, he is like a rocket and will jump on me if i'm close enough to get to the worms... he goes physco for those meal worms ha ha and trust me chameleons are not slow when they don't want to be lol
Smeagie is the only veiled cham I have ever owned, so I don't know first hand if they really are a more aggesive species.
My cham books say they are, and Sméagol is more aggressive and sneaky then the other guyz, which give him a crafty 'intelligence'.

He will hiss and snap at the other chams, to around me, he like a little puppy and I can handle him like he was a little stuffed toy (carefully, of course).
He can be mean, or really sweet.
He 'purrs' like a cat when I rub his chin, he loves it, and closes his eyes to enjoy being pet.
When I stop petting, he opens his eyes and looks at me like, 'why did you stop'??!! LOL

He seems to be smarter then my panthers and jacksons.
But he still cant find his way home after spending the night on the free range.
I still have to pry him off the free range and take him home.

But, none of my chams are able to find their way home!!
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