Are you trying to hand feed?

Tried some hand feeding today, no luck, he showed interest and came for it but never snatched it, i placed it in the feeder bucket and wham he took it. Ill try again, but figured i would let ya'll know

Keep trying. I got my guy a little less than a week ago. He wouldn't eat from my hand for the first few days. Yesterday he finally started cup feeding and eating from my hand. :)
Moe took a lot of patience. Sometimes I would give up but try again the next day. I like it because I know exactly how much he has eaten and know the bugs arent hiding in the plants or something. Also, makes me feel like he trusts me more.
All my chameleons have eventually started hand feeding. It usually takes until about 3 months of age for them to start hand feeding (for me, at least). As soon as they figure out that you aren't a predator and in fact the supplier of food and they begin to trust you they should begin to hand feed. I recently got an 8 week old panther who still does not hand feed but I'm sure will after some time.
i am queen of patients, i bet he will eventually snag one from me, i just need to start a routine with him or something, he certainly loves eating, so eventually he's gotta give. :D
I know this is a older thread....But!!!, it happened and to be more specific, Lambeau is now accepting hand feeding, I put a silkworm in my palm and he nabbed it, i was so excited :D im so pumped!!! i plan to try some crickets tomorrow!!:D:D
My little veiled Daedelus ate from my hand from the 2nd day I got him at about 1 month old, and now he's about 2 months and I can hold him on one hand and feed him crickets from the other. He doesn't seem too stressed out by it and always eats! He is so cute!
One thing that my fiance did was place crickets on the plants around my little guy. Eventually he got impatient and snatched one before it was set down. He will usually eat the first few by hand now.
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