Aromatic mister machine


New Member
I'm just setting up my first vivarium for veiled chameleon and purchase an automatic misting machine .
I know humidity etc effects this question but can someone just give me a rough guide for how often and how long I should set it at .
That question with the info provided is impossible to give you even a close to accurate guess. It's not only dependent on the humidity in the room, but also the brand of mister, the amount of plants in the viv, the size of the plants, the amount/type of medium the plants are in, the type of drainage you have set up etc etc. It really varies from viv to viv and there is really no universal setting. Once you get everything set up, you just have to tinker with it until you get it dialed in.
That question with the info provided is impossible to give you even a close to accurate guess. It's not only dependent on the humidity in the room, but also the brand of mister, the amount of plants in the viv, the size of the plants, the amount/type of medium the plants are in, the type of drainage you have set up etc etc. It really varies from viv to viv and there is really no universal setting. Once you get everything set up, you just have to tinker with it until you get it dialed in.
I have a monsoon RS 400, I have it on a timer so it turns on at 8:00 AM, and goes off every 4 hours for 60 seconds until 8:30 PM when the timer shuts it off. It would need to be more often if you have a lower humidity.
And I have that same mister for the time being and I have mine set for every 2 hours to go off for around 20 seconds and that keeps the humidity perfect in my guys viv on most days :)
I have a monsoon RS 400, I have it on a timer so it turns on at 8:00 AM, and goes off every 4 hours for 60 seconds until 8:30 PM when the timer shuts it off. It would need to be more often if you have a lower humidity.
And I have that same mister for the time being and I have mine set for every 2 hours to go off for around 20 seconds and that keeps the humidity perfect in my guys viv on most days :)
Perhaps thats a better Idea, what area do you live in? Maybe the humidity where you are is better. I'm in VA and am having a serious problem with it, where I have a humidifier running in my tiny room almost 24/7, plus the misting. The humidity won't raise over 40%. I'm assuming that my dial hydrometer isn't accurate, and I'm buying a digital one soon. It sure feels like a rainforest walking into my room!
That's great it gives me a starting point . I have a week to check it out and now have a much better idea of where to start
I'm in Ohio and it's pretty dry here in the winter too :/ I leave my thermostat at 67 because I don't care for the heat too much so my heater doesn't dry my inside air too awfully much but there is definitely a decrease in humidity when it kicks on. I have the mister nozzles kinda pointed directly at each other and into the middle of the cage so the mist crashes into each other. That seems to help the humidity stay up a little longer then when I had them spraying in two different directions.
I also have a dripper running from lights on to lights off that he is very much aware of so he always has a nice glistening drop of water on his favorite drinking leaves :D
I'm in Ohio and it's pretty dry here in the winter too :/ I leave my thermostat at 67 because I don't care for the heat too much so my heater doesn't dry my inside air too awfully much but there is definitely a decrease in humidity when it kicks on. I have the mister nozzles kinda pointed directly at each other and into the middle of the cage so the mist crashes into each other. That seems to help the humidity stay up a little longer then when I had them spraying in two different directions.
Alright, I'll try that. It could be a matter of an inaccurate hydrometer, but then again, might not... I've also got a very small cage right now as Vincent is only about 3 months old, its all I can do to keep the mister from spraying everywhere!
wrap plastic around 2-3 sides of your cage to stop the mist from getting out everywhere. or hang a towel up on a wall behind your cage. lots of different methods to prevent overspray
I use white freezer paper that's wax coated on 3 sides of my cages! The water from the misting system beads up on the inside of the wax coated paper & runs down into my drain pans! It works pretty good!
Monsoon misters are all junk. They have an almost 100% failure rate. Some last a few days, some last a Don't waste your money on one. If you already have one sorry. Get a mistking system. Sooooo much better and much more reliable.
Monsoon misters are all junk. They have an almost 100% failure rate. Some last a few days, some last a Don't waste your money on one. If you already have one sorry. Get a mistking system. Sooooo much better and much more reliable.

Truth is, anything manmade has a 100% failure rate. Nothing lasts forever. It's not IF it will fail, but WHEN. All misting systems go out eventually. And the Monsoon systems are junk sure, IF you buy the older models. When you hear bad reviews, you are typically hearing reviews of people who had the older models that have since broke. Older models had pumps that went out a lot, timers that went bad a lot, and there was an issue some people had with water getting into the master head unit and getting on the control panel and frying the unit.

They have newer models that have been made in the last 2 years with improved pumps, better timers, and the control board is better sealed. The newer ones say "NEW AND IMPROVED" on the box. The newer models aren't bad at all either as long as you take proper care of them. Clean them every now and again. Use distilled or RO water. I have the same system, a Monsoon RS400. The new and improved model. I know a person who sells them online too. He has been using about 5 of them on reptile cages daily, for over a year. With zero failures. He prefers them to Mistking because they have their own nice little neat looking reservoirs instead of you having to rig one of your own like you would for a Mistking. That's what made me buy one off of him - it looks nice and clean. Sure his units will go out one day. So will a Mistking unit. Now, will a Mistking last longer than a Monsoon - probably most certainly. But does that mean the Monsoon is junk? No. That simply means that Mistking is of higher quality. A Monsoon is still great as long as it's taken care of. Just not AS great as a Mistking.
That sounds pretty good, will it impair airflow at all?

as long as you have the top screen not covered, and at least 1-2 sides of the cage not covered, then u will be okay. there are alot of chameleon cages out there that have 3 solid walls and 1 screen wall, and a screen top.... and those are great with chams. look up Dragon Strand, and check out their Large Clear Side Enclosure or their Breeder Series cages. all of those have 3 solid sides, with the fourth side being all screen, and the top being all screen. Dragon Strand deff knows their stuff too. lots of people also wrap their cages with plastic in that manner, or with a freezer paper as @Blang stated. It will impair airflow a bit sure, but as long as you have good airflow in the room the chameleon is kept in, and you have your open sides aiming out and away from any walls, you will be fine. do you have live plants? those will help maintain humidity too, as well as providing a bit of clean fresh air within the cage.
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