Asking for Help - need your advice please!!!


New Member
Hi guys, we had our cham for about a month now and want to see if we are doing everything right, we do have a few concerns (see below) We filled out the ask for help form as detailed as possible, any advice is appreciated!! :) Attached are a few pictures of the enclosure and Bob (our cham)

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon – Veiled Chameleon, male, 4 months, 1 month in our care
Handling – We take him out every day to let him free range on the ficus outside of our house
Feeding – We feed him crickets, superworms, silkworms, trying to get hornworms, depends on the day 3 to 5 large crickets (sometimes more sometimes less) plus about 4 worms. Depending on our work schedule we try to feed him a few crickets or worms in the morning and then later in the afternoon∕evening, we also have a feeding cup where we leave 5 crickets or so which he sometimes uses. We gut-load our crickets with complete cricket food gel, veggies (potato skins, orange peels, bell pepper etc.), we add oatmeal to the fluke for the superworms
Supplements – Rep-Cal Calcium, at the moment we are not using other supplements but will get vitamins soon – what is the best out there? We dust the crickets every other day with calcium
Watering – We have a dripper which is on all day, we mist the enclosure 2 to 3 times a day, we spray our cham 2 to 3 times a day, he usually shies away when we do it in the enclosure for a bit, started doing it when he is free ranging outsidefor a few minutes he does not seem to mind it that much, we have never seen him drink
Fecal Description – his poop looks normal brown with white urate, decent size, firm not runny
History – We bought him in a reptile store where we believe he has been a couple of weeks prior to purchase

Cage Info:
Cage Type – Screen cage 24x24x48
Lighting – Currently 18” linear 10.0 Exo-Terra Bulb, Basking light = Exo Terra Sunglo 60 Watts - We feel that he doesn’t get enough light because our room doesn’t get much sunlight so we bought the DIY Cages 24” Fluorescent 2 Bulb (Linear) light hood, bulbs we purchased Exo-Terra Reptiglo 2.0 and 10.0 (both are to arrive next week), we turn on the lights around 7am sometimes 9am, we turn them off around 11am, sometimes midnight
Temperature – We have 2 thermometers one near his basking spot on top of the cage (90 degrees), one in the lower part (80 degrees), haven’t measured overnight temps yet
Humidity - We have Hydrometer, humidity level is at 40 when not misted, 70 to 80 when misted
Plants – We have 4 live plans (Hibiscus, Croton, Pothos, another vine not sure of the name) We also have 2 fake vines
Placement – Cage is located in the living room (we are gone most of the day), about 5 feet to the left of the ac vent which does not blow directly at the cage, top of the cage is about 5.6 feet from the floor
Location – Miami Beach, Forida

Current Problem – We are worried that he does not get enough light, he is dark sometimes (which is why we are getting new lights by next week as mentioned above) and does not seem to be super active, we are not sure if he drinks enough as we never actually see him drink, although his urate looks normal


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And here a close up of the plants...

Thanks for taking a look!


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I know that the 5.0 bulbs are considered safer than 10.0 bulbs. I'll let someone more experienced give you more tips. :)

Edit: I also think maybe the lower part of the cage should be a little cooler.
Oh one more thing, we are pretty sure he is a male, but here is a pic of his foot just to verify :D


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The only thing I can suggest is to put your lights on a timer so that they are more consistent to 12 hrs on and 12 hrs off. Also the vine, that you don't know what it's name is, to make sure it isn't toxic because veileds like to eat leaves.
10.0 might be a little high for UVB...but I use 10.0 for my free range. So I'm sure there will be others to chime in on that. But, overall your setup looks good and from the pics your little guy looks healthy..God Job!
The only thing I can suggest is to put your lights on a timer so that they are more consistent to 12 hrs on and 12 hrs off. Also the vine, that you don't know what it's name is, to make sure it isn't toxic because veileds like to eat leaves.
10.0 might be a little high for UVB...but I use 10.0 for my free range. So I'm sure there will be others to chime in on that. But, overall your setup looks good and from the pics your little guy looks healthy..God Job!

Jaxy we will check about the vine, maybe someone recognizes it, it is the one one in the middle of the cage with the bark around it....

Forgot to mention that he weighs 33 that normal weight?! somebody commented on another thread that his eyes look sunken in, would you agree?
Jaxy we will check about the vine, maybe someone recognizes it, it is the one one in the middle of the cage with the bark around it....

Forgot to mention that he weighs 33 that normal weight?! somebody commented on another thread that his eyes look sunken in, would you agree?

I'm not sure what the normal weight for his size would be at his age. Hopefully someone will jump in with that. But, from his pics he looks ok to me. Just as long as his urates are white and he is drinking then he shouldn't be dehydrated. If you're worried about dehydration then you can try putting him on a plant in the shower, with the shower head aimed at the wall, for about 20 - 30 min to see if that helps to hydrate him a little better.
Thanks Liet and Jaxxy, the one vine we didnt know is English Ivy...hope it is not toxic, I coulnt find any info on it.
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