asking for prayers for my Flomar please...

water went everywhere but i just dont care!!!!! as with any of my animals,,, as long as he is healthy and happy!!!!!
That's great news Lisa. He's looking so pretty floppy up on the counter. I'm glad to hear that he's getting back to his old self.
as some of us know,,,,good news can soooo quickly be followed by bad news...
Flomar started vomiting again this afternoon..... my husband says not to freak out just yet... lets watch him a bit.....
i hope he's right,,, but sometimes,,, mamas just know!!!!!

more prayers please!!!
I have faith! :) Still sending prayers. Come on Flomar!!! :D

Oh no Lisa. I hate to hear that. I will be keeping Flomar in my prayers.

Thank you Micheal and Jann!!!!! The vet we've been seeing is out of town this weekend... She has partners but I like staying with whom I have seen... If necessary i'll take him in to see them....
Hoping it's nothing, just a minor setback!
Wow Lisa, I am just now seeing this thread. Seems the same kind of roller coaster I have been going through with two of my dogs :(....but that is for another thread.

My thoughts and prayers are with you guys and hoping Flomar gets better quickly. Such a beautiful baby!
Thank you Cammie!!!
It is constantly a roller coaster with him.... This all started last week, vet visit Monday, better Tues. Wed. and Thurs., now he's hiding and the vomitting has returned...poor little guy.... I'm trying to do the best for him... Sometimes I feel like I just can't win.. for him...
hey Jann,,, thanks for asking,,, sorry i didnt reply earlier... just had some obligations to address....
so here's the story,,, went Back to the vet with my Flomar... He started spewing green/black watery liquid again. They gave him something for nausea and subq fluids because he's dehydrated again... He's set up to come back in Monday morning for a Barium swallow/X-ray...
It's done over several 30 minute increments in order to see what his digestive tract is doing.... Not something the do on the weekend... I know I could take him to the emergency vet on Gtown Pkwy.... I will if I feel it's
He seems better after the fluids and shot but that doesn't answer any questions.....
Please pray for Flomar and extra hours at work for me.. ( you know vet bills) ;)
Hope he's doing better! I just can't stand when they aren't feeling well and there is nothing to do but wait and pray! Hope the blockage has worked its way out. Still sending prayers! :D
Hope he's doing better! I just can't stand when they aren't feeling well and there is nothing to do but wait and pray! Hope the blockage has worked its way out. Still sending prayers! :D

Thank you Micheal! Flomar has been acting fine and doing great since his vet visit Saturday.... We're just playing it by ear, day to day with him. I'll take him back in a minute if it seems like the thing to do!!!
Thanks for asking!!!!! Lisa
Hey all concerned,,,, Flomar has been doing GREAT since his last vet visit Saturday!!!!
Thank you all for your concern and caring!!! We all love our furry, hairy, fuzzy, scaly babies!!!!
This book may not be closed yet but... Knock on wood... All is well at the moment!!!
Here he is watching Stanley eat... Trust me he's more interested in the crickets than Stanley,,, and Stanley could care less!!!!!!

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