Australian breeders

they said that chameleons are illegal and prohobited in australia.. but im not australians. hope the senior could help. :D
I am Australian but live in the US now. Chams are prohibited and illegal in Australia. There are some cham owners in Australia but they fly under the radar.

I wont divulge those I know of as I don't know you or if you would be a responsible keeper and not release it at any point into nature. I take a strong view that they should not be there at all. Also chams are wonderful escape artists and there are many stories here of responsible keepers loosing a cham. We have had too many invasive species released and done irreparable damage.

Also if your cham needed a vet anytime then what do you do? It would be very hard to take a banned species for medical treatment which means the cham would suffer.

If you live in Australia then stick to all the cool critters that we have there :)
I am from Cali lol I do have a friend in aust and when they visited they wanted to know, I did not realize the wonderful rep was banned
I am from Cali lol I do have a friend in aust and when they visited they wanted to know, I did not realize the wonderful rep was banned

Cool! That's one reason I don't want to go back to Australia...because you cant keep chams there!

Good luck with yours when you get it they are very addicting :)
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