Auto Mister for Mesh Enclosure (No Drilling?)

+1 except for the "if possible". This is the one thing that can kill the system.

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Tubing not attached yet. Tilting the reservoir allows more of the water to be usable instead of 2" sitting at the bottom. Reservoirs should have a lid to keep out flotsam & jetsam. A clear or translucent reservoir can indicate its level at a glance from across the room or house.

The pump sits in front of the reservoir—no screws or bolts. It's very quiet; if the TV is on or the fridge or dishwaser are running, you can't hear the mister.

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I use the filter that comes with the starter kit. A very short piece of tubing connects the filter to the bulkhead—keeps things neat & tidy.

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Tubing goes up the right side and across the top at the front. You can see the center & left mist heads/nozzles. Right nozzle is out of frame.

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Drain bucket takes a month to fill up halfway, at which time I dump it on the garden. The blocks under the back feet of the table provide pitch. I have a piece of hose that attaches to the PVC so the bucket can fit neatly under the table if desired.
It can, and will eventually, kill the system, but not everyone has access to/can afford RO/DI water, and it’ll take years to do so
It can, and will eventually, kill the system, but not everyone has access to/can afford RO/DI water, and it’ll take years to do so
A countertop distiller costs about the same as a good mister.
Even distilled water costs less per day than many/most insect feeders; RO costs about 1/3 of distilled. If someone can't afford the water, I question if they can afford a mister, or the expenses of keeping a chameleon.

How long it takes depends on what's in your water.
Not everyone has the couple hundred bucks laying around for that, or enough money for a RO/DI filter set-up, and may not have a water station near them
Then maybe they should consider a pet that costs less to keep, or wait until they can afford the upkeep of a chameleon.
We had to—and did—for several years.
Thanks everyone for the quick replies!!

To clarify, I have plastic backing to protect walls from water damage. What I meant was I thought you have to drill the MistKing pump into something but I now see you dont!

Amazing - thank you for the help. If anyone else can show their set ups like above I would highly appreciate it :D
I have a low key setup, just an Amazon shelf unit hidden to the side.


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RO systems do not have to be large or expensive, and can even just be hooked up to a faucet or hose bib with simple (inexpensive) adapters. For those in need of an inexpensive RO system, take a serious look at this. It will take a couple of hours to make 5 gallons, but is inexpensive, and depending on your water quality, the filters will last up to 1 year, longer for the RO Membrane. $60 in the world of chameleon keeping is not much at all.
RO systems do not have to be large or expensive, and can even just be hooked up to a faucet or hose bib with simple (inexpensive) adapters. For those in need of an inexpensive RO system, take a serious look at this. It will take a couple of hours to make 5 gallons, but is inexpensive, and depending on your water quality, the filters will last up to 1 year, longer for the RO Membrane. $60 in the world of chameleon keeping is not much at all.,aps,399&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFYR1dMODEwSThXUkImZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTA1Mzk5MjEyR1BGMzdSU1BCN0NYJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA1NzgwOTYzVjg5QVBWWFIzT09QJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==
I'll be honest, that never showed up when I googled RO systems, now that I know about it, I'll be acquiring one in the near future. However, I do have 4,000 of other expenses to deal with while working minimum wage. 1000 for a new enclosure for my cham and 3000 for a necessary rust repair on my car.
That’s what I’m saying, people might not have enough money left over for a good RO/DI system after getting everything else for a cham, along with other expenses, and bottled water can add up. And if they have no refill stations, they don’t have too many options other than using dechlorinated tap water
I just want to state that I don't consider owning a chameleon a status symbol and while not ideal to use tap water, as @ERKleRose stated, some can't afford anything else after setup costs and other expenses.

There is also the fact that wages have not increased the same amount as cost of rent. Essentially when my parents were my age in the 80s, minimum wage was half of what it is today, and rent was a third of what it is today. Basically a week of full time work would pay for rent in the 80s, but today you have to work at least 2.5 weeks at 40 hours a week just to afford rent.

Unfortunately for the younger generations, the world is a much harsher place to be successful in, add in some of the older generations also using their accumulated wealth to acquire additional properties and utilize it as another source of income, even owning a house is difficult for the younger generations. And then there's the fact that for most of my life, there has been some war in the world, granted that is also due to information being more readily available.

Essentially the world has changed significantly starting around 1990 and unfortunately has caused quite a rift to develop between generations.
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