Automatic Drip System???


Is there an automatic drip system out there, like a mistking mister but only a dripper? I would a like a slow dripper that I can turn on and off with a timer that will draw my RO water out of a reservoir via a pump and slowly drip water into my cage all day long.

Thanks in advance!
Very nice!!! I couldn't watch your video with the volume on at work. What type of pump are you using?

I started with a mag 5 but put in a mag 7 a month ago. That video is old but the concept is still the same. Adjustable drip heads, gate valves, couplers, T's, 1/4" irrigation tubing and a bucket, the pump and timer. I now use the cheaper timer that does 30 minute minimum increments so I let it run 3 times a day at 1/2 hour each. I mist at least once in between those. The chams seem to drink mostly in the morning so I lengthened the time. Seems to be working out well.
Very cool. Thanks for the info. I was thinking about mag pumps too, but thought they may be overkill just for a tiny drip. I actually have a couple laying around the house because of my aquariums. I'm gonna do some experimenting this weekend.

Many thanks!!!
BTW, are those Parsons in your video? That's exactly why I'm trying to figure out an automatic drip system. I'm very close in pulling the trigger on one!!!
BTW, are those Parsons in your video? That's exactly why I'm trying to figure out an automatic drip system. I'm very close in pulling the trigger on one!!!

No he has Panthers. Parsonii would need a Lott of water (and space). So I guess you are barking up the right tree with this thread. By any chance are you possibly getting your Parsonii from BackWater?

What you want is a dosing pump. We use them in saltwater tanks to dose out supplements. I'll pm you my phone number to better explain them.
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What you want is a dosing pump. We use them in saltwater tanks to dose out supplements. I'll pm you my phone number to better explain them.

Yes, I was thinking about dosing pumps too. But the cheaper ones aren't really made for continuous use or at least daily 12hr cycles. I was also worried that they couldn't created enough head pressure to pump the water up 6ft+. I know the nicer ones can create the head pressure and are designed to run for long periods of time, but they are pretty pricey.

I have both the cheaper and nicer kind. The cheaper ones dose Alk and Ca and I have a nice one ($150+) on my ATO. Anyway, I will probably just get another nice one if all fails as a dosing pump is probably better suited for a drip system over multiple cages.
No he has Panthers. Parsonii would need a Lott of water (and space). So I guess you are barking up the right tree with this thread. By any chance are you possibly getting your Parsonii from BackWater?

I haven't gotten that far in deciding where I'm going to buy it although it looks like I only have 2 choices right now.
Very cool. Thanks for the info. I was thinking about mag pumps too, but thought they may be overkill just for a tiny drip. I actually have a couple laying around the house because of my aquariums. I'm gonna do some experimenting this weekend.

Many thanks!!!

I have tried cheaper pumps but they don't last. I have 12 cages with 20 dripheads on each pump and the last drip is as strong as the first in the line. Not sure how many cages I could put on a single pump since I had to move to another room due to space so got another pump.
Thanks for the post. Have you tried using the aqualifter?

I've actually used it before with my aquariums and it's kind of cheaply made. It doesn't look like it pumps water higher than 30 inches either.

I've used it on a 30" cage at the pet store I work at. Its been running for a few months without issues....

the reservoir is an old habba mist the broke down. The zoo med rep didn't look to pleased when i told him his mister was a piece of **** so we turned it into a drip system. lol

works good with our jacksons we keep in store.
lol...yeah, I'll need to pump the water a lot higher than 30". Right now, I have a 4' cage sitting on a 4" shelf and I plan on getting the lllreptile cage extender so we're talking over 10' in height pressure the pump has to work at for 12 hours a day. So I'll need a pretty heavy duty pump.

I've used it on a 30" cage at the pet store I work at. Its been running for a few months without issues....

the reservoir is an old habba mist the broke down. The zoo med rep didn't look to pleased when i told him his mister was a piece of **** so we turned it into a drip system. lol

works good with our jacksons we keep in store.
lol...yeah, I'll need to pump the water a lot higher than 30". Right now, I have a 4' cage sitting on a 4" shelf and I plan on getting the lllreptile cage extender so we're talking over 10' in height pressure the pump has to work at for 12 hours a day. So I'll need a pretty heavy duty pump.

the pump should pull as much pressure as you need. just put the pump on top of the cage. The adhesive/cohesive properties of water will do the rest.

this is my theory anyways. lol
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