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I need help:

Here is a quick back story:
Back in August '11, when I purchased Gonzo from ruru, she gave me 20 veiled eggs that she could not take with her on her move. No idea if they were viable or not, but I kept them set up and hope for the best. About 2 1/2 months ago, my 8 year old daughter accidently knock over the container and the whole thing flipped, shifted, buried eggs: bad news. I figured they were done, but set them back up anyway and checked for rotting eggs every so often. I was gonna toss them because of how badly they had shifted.
I just got back from vacation at 3 am this morning and went to bed. I woke up and came in my reptile room to check on everyone. The eggs were the last thing on my mind. I happened to glance past the container and saw green! Could it be???? I opened the container and saw 8 little chameleons walking around. There were 5 that tried to get out, but were not able to. I was able to help 2 others, but the other 3 were already gone. :-(
So: now I have 10 babies and 6 eggs I am waiting on. Pics will be coming, but my cell phone is taking horrible pics.
I am heading out to get fruit flies in a few!

There was a post about how to set up a baby enclosure with coated wire for climbing area. The guy was selling them, but showed a do it yourself also. I don't have time to buy one, but can not find the thread to build it myself. Can anyone help with locating this thread?
Username is Seeco, Check his blogs.. Be sure to give him credit for the use of his ideas please!:)

That is the one I was looking for! Thanks coldbloodedAl! I hope my enclosure comes out close to the ones Seeco makes, and give him the credit he is due!
Heading out for materials now.
How are things going with the babies? Did you get ff's and get them all set up?

Laurie: I do have them all set up on a dowel play gym that I built, thanks to your help. PetSmart had a bad selection of fruit flies, but I bought 2 cultures, few flies right now, but tons of maggots! I have a friend driving to me right now to bring me fruit fly cultures that he makes, with plenty of flies. They look good so far. I am still working on pics. Should be soon!
I just saw a few of them shooting out the tongue for food. I have seen this with my big boys so many times, but I was amazed watching this tiny baby shoot a tongue nearly as long as its body for the first time! The fruit flies are so small, it hardly seems worth the effort.
BTW: one more hatched today, 5 eggs left!!!
Camera need batteries. Once I buy them, pics will be up!
im so glad they hatched and are doing ohkay so far!! even though they are your babies now im still super excited and i feel like a distant mommy! LMAO when you sent me a pic of one of the babies i swear i must have told everyone within a 10 mile radius that i seen that day hahaha! im really really glad i found someone to take such good care of everything! it must be sooo exciting watching the little guys eat for their first time and everything!
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