BocaJan New Member Jul 10, 2010 #1 This was so cute! I was checking on everyone as they were sleeping and had to get my camera. Hope you think it's cute also. The babies are 7 weeks old. Attachments My babies.jpg 242.1 KB · Views: 291
This was so cute! I was checking on everyone as they were sleeping and had to get my camera. Hope you think it's cute also. The babies are 7 weeks old.
FroggtheCham New Member Jul 10, 2010 #10 That is a post card, book cover, or greeting card or SOMETHING!!!! That couldn't be any more perfect if you planned it that way!
That is a post card, book cover, or greeting card or SOMETHING!!!! That couldn't be any more perfect if you planned it that way!
tkilgour Member Jul 10, 2010 #12 That's a great photo. I love when I pop in to check on the babies and I find them all huddled up. They are always priceless to see like that.
That's a great photo. I love when I pop in to check on the babies and I find them all huddled up. They are always priceless to see like that.
Miss Lily Chameleon Enthusiast Jul 11, 2010 #16 That has to be one of the most adorable baby pics ever! They look so sweet all lined up!
dreamforthedead New Member Jul 11, 2010 #17 Awww i want them! Pweez so cute. Gotta be the best baby pic on here.
dreamforthedead New Member Jul 11, 2010 #18 CleaTheChameleon said: That is adorable made me smile Click to expand... Just wait until your new babies get like that. Aww
CleaTheChameleon said: That is adorable made me smile Click to expand... Just wait until your new babies get like that. Aww
reptimom Avid Member Jul 11, 2010 #19 That is tooo cute!! It's a shame in a few months they will begin to hate eachother!