Babies and Lights


New Member
I was just curious as to what yall think is best, I've read on the forums that you don't want to burn your babies with Basking lights, and have seen some say that they just use a dual fixture UVB/and a plant fluro, stating that the babies get the UVB and the plant fluro produces enough heat and will not burn than.

is this true or would it be significant enough for your new one or would you just want to have a basking light on top of the other two?
Personally i use a basking bulb for my babies. I use the smallest wattage incandescent I can find. I cant remember if its 20 or 25 watt and i like to suspend them an inch or two over the top of the screen so you can get some airflow. As lond as their basking spot doesnt get over 82-83 degrees your fine. I know you live in Baytown so you have to be running your ac like me. So you will def need a basking light bro. When he/she hits 4-5 months you can up the wattage to like a 60 watt and use that for the rest of their life.
Here's how I keep them...I like the plant stands because they have the double fixture for the Repti-sun 5.0 UVB light and a normal fluorescent light to go in but then they also have a socket for a regular incandescent household bulb if the temperatures drop too low here (Ontario) in the winter time...
Here's how I keep them...I like the plant stands because they have the double fixture for the Repti-sun 5.0 UVB light and a normal fluorescent light to go in but then they also have a socket for a regular incandescent household bulb if the temperatures drop too low here (Ontario) in the winter time...

Lynda, nice rack set-up, how many do you usually keep per glass aquarium?
EDIT: never mind i just read the answer :D
I forgot to tell ya txskunk. Try to place the cage in a n area where the ac vents arent blowing directly on the cage. If you have a large crew like me thats almost impossible. :D But with babies you want to try to keep em away from any drafts.
I use basking lamps on my babies... I put them on a dimmer in order to get the right temp. I use tubs for babies... so I have a couple of vines cme near the top of the tub so that the chams need to come up to the basking lamp in order to get warm, rather than heating one side of the tub. I do put the lamp on one end of the tub to help give a temp varient in the tub. I suspend the lights for better control.
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