Babies T.J.Jacksoni

T.J.Jacksoni Babies

Hey Brian,I've been busy and haven't even been on the forum more then 5 minutes in 2weeks! The Jacksoni babies are doing fantastic !! I have 1 runt of the group that I've been worried about but it is hanging in there. All of the others are looking great and will be 15 days old this Sunday. There are about 5 that stand out as the most colorful and dominant already but all of of them will be very fine specimen's I think. The 3 horn girl has gotten much larger in her lower stomach in the last week so I expect her to drop any day now. I think she will have a significantly larger batch of baby's due to her size :) I will try to post some new pictures of them this week. They are pigging out on fruit flies and just hatched pinheads. The Kirk boy I got from you is awesome and has out grown the baby raiser and will go into a new 2x2x4 cage this week!!! He is one of the most friendly,healthy fast growing panthers I have EVER seen!!!!! He will be a spectacular Stud. More soon,
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Awesome news! Can't wait to see pictures and I hope all goes well with the other female. Thanks for the update Steve.
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