Baby 3 Legged Iguana Living in Our Yard


Chameleon Enthusiast
We have been watching this little guy in our yard the past few weeks. He likes to hang out in one of the big hibiscus trees. He is missing one of his back legs and he has a regenerated tail. The leg is completely healed but he can't get around as well as the other babies. I have been feeding and watering him along with the other babies but I'm worried something will happen to him outside. My husband Mike doesn't want me to bring him in because he'll get BIG and we have a very small house. I already have 9 pets and expecting baby chameleon's in January.

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Why not build him an enclosure outside? Otherwise, he will likely end up a meal for a raccoon, or dog. :oops:
Why not build him an enclosure outside? Otherwise, he will likely end up a meal for a raccoon, or dog. :oops:

I though of that but thought that might be a little cruel to cage him after being wild. It's sad to take an animals freedom away. If he came inside he would not be caged.
This is true. But the poor little guy is already at a disadvantage. I guess it's survival of the fittest out there, for a reason!
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