Baby Cham hasn't eaten in 2 days


New Member
He was shipped to me 2 days ago and still hasn't eaten. I have 5 crickets in a cup and they haven't disappeared.. Should I just let them loose? He looks at them and notices them but I don't understand how he can't be hungry when he hasn't eaten for 2 days. He's about 2 mo old male veiled.
He was shipped to me 2 days ago and still hasn't eaten. I have 5 crickets in a cup and they haven't disappeared.. Should I just let them loose? He looks at them and notices them but I don't understand how he can't be hungry when he hasn't eaten for 2 days. He's about 2 mo old male veiled.

I had the same problem with my panther cham...I got him 8 days ago and he didn't eat for a good 5 he's still eating very little.

It can sometimes take them a few days to get used to the enclosure. Don't worry about it, it's normal!

Just be sure to keep him hydrated and give him his space so you don't stress him out more :)
like bizzie said. he is just getting use to his new home. but what size crickets are you feeding him i feed my babies two week olds till they start growing and then i up the size.
The crickets are the tiniest size I've been able to find, 1/3. They're really little. I figure he's still getting used to his cage and may be a little woozy from the plane ride but I'd still think that he'd get hungry. So should I just leave them in there or take the crickets out?
The crickets are the tiniest size I've been able to find, 1/3. They're really little. I figure he's still getting used to his cage and may be a little woozy from the plane ride but I'd still think that he'd get hungry. So should I just leave them in there or take the crickets out?

Trust me, my boy didn't eat a thing for 4-5 days - I was worried!

A healthy chameleon can live for a lot longer than you expect without food. Give him time, even a few more days and he will slowly start to eat! As long as he is hydrated - he will be fine!

I would try to take the crickets out as they get very active at night time and can potentially harass your cham! 1 or 2 isn't a big deal, but if you see them - take them out :)
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