Baby Chameleon - Help

Best pictures i could get, as he/she wasnt very happy with me today


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female!!! cute girl. make sure eventually you put in a laying bin or somewhere for for her to dig and bury eggs.
It is too bad you didn't get exactly what you wanted, but females can display some nice light blues and oranges and are quite beautiful! Bigger concern than colours is the egg laying... :confused:

I haven't had a female for about 8 years now, but she did show beautiful colours as well!
Thanks kapitaIj - the reason i wanted a male was don't have to think about him laying eggs and having to deal with it. Better get reading up, do you have to do anything special to help and support her?
Where did you get it from? You could possible go back and tell them you were told it was a male.
As it has been a while for me, you are probably best to let others chime in on this one. @kinyonga might give you some input as she seems to know quite a bit about these things.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help o_O
Thanks kapitaIj - the reason i wanted a male was don't have to think about him laying eggs and having to deal with it. Better get reading up, do you have to do anything special to help and support her?
There is info about females/egg production/etc in the care articles located under the Resources tab. Not all females develop infertile egg clutches, but its better to be aware and prepared just in case. Too bad the seller was clueless...veileds are so easy to sex correctly!
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