Baby Chameleon in 100 gal


New Member
I was wondering if there is any way I can put a juvenile panther or veiled chameleon in a 100 gal. Is there any way I could make a cage divider until it grows? Thanks in advance!
Are you referring to a 100 gallon fish aquarium, one that is longer than it is wide/tall? Just for clarification. :)
If it has a pvc tray for the bottom you can always raise that tray up to make the cage smaller until the chameleon would grow to a larger size.
If it has a pvc tray for the bottom you can always raise that tray up to make the cage smaller until the chameleon would grow to a larger size.

^ Agreed, hunting will be much easier for a youngin' that way. :)
You could always place something under the PVC to hold it up and just swap out to smaller objects as time goes on to lower it. I would try to find something around 24" high to cut the cage in half if the chameleon is going to be very young.
I've seen people use pegs that go directly through the screen, four, to hold up the sheet on each side. Though afterwards you'd need to deal with the holes in the screen, and that can be a pain.
Get a 'milk crate' or two from Lowes for a few dollars. Put that in the bottom and then the PVC piece on top of it. Will provide more support than the pegs in screen.
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