My name is Brandy and I'm having some issues with my new baby veiled chameleon. I've owned a chameleon before that was very aggressive while also owning a variety of reptiles, and this baby chameleon seems to be very friendly. I purchased him about 3 days ago at my local Pet Co and since he's been in his new environment he won't eat. I've tried feeding him calcium dusted pin heads and have tried to hand feed him baby meal worms while also leaving them at the bottom of his age. I'm getting really worried and was wondering if anyone could give me some advice.
My name is Brandy and I'm having some issues with my new baby veiled chameleon. I've owned a chameleon before that was very aggressive while also owning a variety of reptiles, and this baby chameleon seems to be very friendly. I purchased him about 3 days ago at my local Pet Co and since he's been in his new environment he won't eat. I've tried feeding him calcium dusted pin heads and have tried to hand feed him baby meal worms while also leaving them at the bottom of his age. I'm getting really worried and was wondering if anyone could give me some advice.