baby chameleons

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I have 15 baby jacksons chameleons. I would like to keep 5 and sell two groups of 5. The little guys are just shy of a month old. What should i sell a group of five for, how much money? I have no clue
I wouldn't sell them before they reached at least 2-3 months old.

At that age they are worth more and have a better chance at surviving!
If you are selling individually, you could probably get $50-75 each, less if selling in
bigger groups.

Good luck,
Let me know if you want to sell 5 I am looking for 2 males and 3 females. I would gladly pay you $150.00 plus shipping for 5 of them. Let me know! Thanks.
man ive been looking for some jacksons. lol those are about average price. 75 dollars is what i saw at a reptile show.?
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