Baby Miniature Fischers and cool head shot

FL Chams

Established Member
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Here's a pic of a miniature baby fischers I took today. I love fischers tails!


I took this pic with my macro lens....
Wow, those are really good Mike. The colors in the second picture are breath-taking. Love how the eyes are pointed straight up.
So Mike when are you coming over to do my Chameleons photo shoot ;) They need a swimsuit cham issue :: giggles:: You know how those Prima donna chams get about what photographer they get lol.

Its a joke he, Mike and Tyler have going. I have a tendency to get over scientific when people ask me a question. When we all went to Anaheim, they started joking around about it being enough to put an insomniac to sleep in a second and when I would be talking to people at the booth, they'd stand a little ways behind be with their heads kicked back, mouth open snoring. Anyway, now any time I post anything, Josh likes to joke around about it since I don't post very often so he doesn't always have a chance to bust my b@lls.


Its a joke he, Mike and Tyler have going. I have a tendency to get over scientific when people ask me a question. When we all went to Anaheim, they started joking around about it being enough to put an insomniac to sleep in a second and when I would be talking to people at the booth, they'd stand a little ways behind be with their heads kicked back, mouth open snoring. Anyway, now any time I post anything, Josh likes to joke around about it since I don't post very often so he doesn't always have a chance to bust my b@lls.


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